De+Modernizing the Worgen - Customization and Trait Suggestions

Because it’s a waste of time. Worgen never had tails, Blizzard isn’t going to retcon that just cuz some Worgen players keep asking for Blizzard to change Worgen lore and biology

NGL saberon form back in wod got very old with how repetitive it was but there are attack / special attack animations for fist weapons already.

Stares at race and customization choices of said poster Hmm, interesting.

Blizzard retcons and allows belves into the Alliance.

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Gonna have to remove anything that was added after the alpha patch then lmao.

High Elves were already in the Alliance.

Blizzard was being petty, but hopefully Midnight fixes it and satisfies Void and High Elf fans

Are we talking about the same lore that allowed the Eredar to join the Alliance? The one that permitted the Blood Elves to rejoin the Alliance at the expense of the events of Warcraft 3, under the banner of the Void Elf? From players’ requests to play High Elf in the Alliance by adding customizations to remove Void Elf corruption, all while justifying in the lore that it’s not only the Blood Elves who are interested in void magic?

There’s a fantastic NPC in the Worgen lore who can justify this change—Goldrinn. He’s the reason the curse exists, a creature powerful enough to unwittingly create giant wolfmen. Why can’t he use his magic to bless Worgens and allow them to have a tail for those who have embraced their wild form? Didn’t the Highmountain Tauren do that? There’s a fantastic element in Warcraft called magic, which justifies any illogical modification in a world like this.

So, elf players can have their modifications, but Worgen players can’t? Thanks to you…

And he is a very good boy who needs all the pets and treats. (Maybe if we give him enough thick bones he’ll reward us with a tail,…I should go hit up the Isle of Giants.)

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Technically, Blizzard said play the horde if you want to play high elf. So there is that.

Only changes for you but not for everyone else, the hypocrisy.

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Poor Mass Report Discord just cant get rid of me.

Keep trying guys maybe one day you’ll get me. This is not that day.

Anyway back to requesting tails. Keep trying to get rid of me I’ll just keep laughing.

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