Why are the specs that have pets do everything for you the best right now? It creates the most unfun gameplay I’ve ever seen. Right now demo warlocks have the highest win rate out of any DPS with a 55% win rate in 2620 games total. They are just as broken as BM hunter and nobody is talking about them because they are semi-rare to see.
Btw here is a screenshot showing the 55% win rate
imgur. com/KMz9tA4
I hope they don’t get swept under the rug in next pvp class tuning patch because this will just be the replacement for BM hunters once BM hunters get nerfed
ele and survival are the sleeper specs, demo gets rolled by melee. It’s a caster meta tho so they have slightly higher win rate, im guessing. They also pair well with BM so 2 massive zoo’s, and there’s more BM’s than anything else queing.
ele is def strong but survival hunter? lol if anything they need buffs not nerfs. also with solo shuffle randomizing teams every round “it pairing with bm hunter” doesn’t boost it’s win rate the way you think it does
Boomy has garbage winrate all dflight and was arguably the best spec.
Ele, survival, and boomy.
Ya survival hunter is very very strong. Good burst goes, hunters are tanks atm, and arguably the best stacked cleave in the game. Makes fdk burst look tame.
there are only 2 players in US that are above 2500 in shuffle for survival hunter… compared to 20 bm hunters above 2500 rn in shuffle. and you are going to try to tell me in a good player’s hands that survival is better than bm hunter? lol
there is also only 1 survival hunter above 2500 on EU which is bicmex in shuffle, compared to 13 demo locks above 2500 in EU. and there are only 16 bm hunters above 2500 in EU. just look at the stats please before saying survival is just as good as bm hunter based off ur personal experience of getting clapped by one
As a long term lock main, demo is such an archaic spec, most of the issues people have with facing it is the lack of understanding about it which leads to frustration.
There is a sequence to it’s ramp and once you understand it and disrupt that sequence the demo’s damage plummets. All it takes is a well timed stun to completely reset it’s progress.
Furthermore, unlike bm demo pets are incredibly prone to cc and los, most of them are ranged which you can abuse los with.
Aoe fears, stuns and roots ( even frost ring) can cripple demo’s damage.
Given how many hpals are running around ( and some rets i guess), i have yet to see many abuse the new aoe instant turn evil which is a massive counter to demo.
And let’s not forget the spec itself is still one of , if not THE most turret /hardcast spec in the game.
Also, stop getting juked and land your interrupts on the right spells , for example many think interrupting hand of guldan is the best play coz it locks out demo’s entire spell schools but that’s a mistake, as previous stated it’s a ramp spec and it’s damage windows largely come from sequencing dogs and fiend for most of it’s damage, by interrupting that instead you delay the already rigid cds which often lead to the lock pushing their tyrant windows to line up with dogs/fiends again, that alone is a massive dps loss. Kick dogs/fiends not HoG.
That’s why win/rate on all bracket is a useless stats. Bdruid were indeed one of the best class in DF but they aren’t easy to play since your always the kill target (otherwise it was an auto win).
So reroller sank its win/rate, so you must pick up a higher bracket if you want to get an accurate pictur.
In the 2.1k+ DPS bracket demo are 10th with a 50,1% win/rate behind destro, ele and arms.
Compared to other specs and how much hard casting is involved its damage isn’t scary at all. After awhile it can start to get overwhelming having and army of pets chasing you but its not scary like it was once upon a time.