Demo Warlocks need a nerf

1 mil insta cast demon bolts and doom bolt firing off constantly would beg to differ. Demo damage is nutso, and single target is bm level.

If im free casting im top dmg. If im trained im still keeping up. Not sure what you would deem acceptsble without being op.

I keep seeing the " demo is tankier than other lock specs" being brought up more often than it should.

This is misinformation and a remnant from shadowlands when soul link was still only available for demo specifically.

After the df rework all 3 lock specs are equal in terms of survivability, though some may argue that dots provide more passive soul leech generation than let’s say destro, but that is not the case , especially since you have access to wither on destro.

To recap, if you aren’t sac’ing your pet then all 3 specs are relatively equal in survivability ,not including cc or hero talents ofc, hellcaller being the squishiest due to weak defensive talents, but all specs have access to non-hellcaller talents.

Its really not bm lvl.

You guys need to stop exagerrating everything all the time.

And 1m dbolts are every 30 secs potentially.

I havent ever seen a demo do more then 500k dps in arena or ss

It really is.

No one is exaggerating, if you’re not seeing the same results its likely user error. Jazzgz uploaded a demo video for learning though.

Consistently, and toss in the 1 mil shadow bolts that happen occasionally.

Every specs hits over 1m occasionally or consitently, its not impressive.

And nope, still not bm lvl, but you can lvl to 80 and let us know.

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No one said it was, I simply stated that you can and do hit over 1 mil with demobolt. Then you shifted the goal post to it being not impressive for some reason.

okay mr negative win loss @ 1900 in 3s. I’ll be sure to level 1 up and try to maintain a positive win loss so I can correct you better.

I mean that just means you havent seen any decent demos.

But ive been ahead or close to in alot of games.

Ok buddy! Well await your lvl 80 input.

On the dmg:

You literally said the damage is nutso and bm lvl by citing demon bolts.

Youre getting confused with your own words, no one is touching goalposts.

Stop raging/egoing

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Demo is definitely doing better… I’d put it at a solid B+/A- and only because you can kite their pets indefinitely unlike BM. Now, you can just spam Demonbolts to kill someone low but again the spec is doing better and should mesh well with frost and shad

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I think demo splay/mlx is solid A to S for ladder depending on final balance.

Feels horrendous to play into frost/feral but what doesnt.

Demo damage is crazy. definitely needs tuned.


I main arcane mage and i do think frost mage should be nerfed as well lol. I only play frost mage when i feel annoyed with arcane. I don’t even like frost mage anymore because it’s all just insta casts or spamming frostfire bolt which got boring to me pretty quick early in the season. But when i vs a frost mage as arcane i can at least feel like i have a chance to beat them a good amount of the time. With demo locks it feels impossible because I only have one root as arcane and even when I kite the pets I’m getting destroyed by demo’s casts as well

Also have criticism doesn’t equate whining by the way. Why can’t it just be a conversation? There’s no need to act like a child over this lol