^ totally agreed
Anyone who says Demo suddenly became God Spec just don’t like to see demo in PVP.
^ totally agreed
Anyone who says Demo suddenly became God Spec just don’t like to see demo in PVP.
Hellcaller Aff is still way better than Demo
Representation don’t lie.
https:// drustvar. com/pvp/representation?bracket=3v3®ion=all&rating=1800&option=spec
https:// drustvar. com/pvp/representation?bracket=3v3®ion=all&rating=2100&option=spec
1.31% representation above 2100 and above and 1.15% representation above 1800
Demonology is B+ maybe A, its fun, Daibolist is arguably the coolest looking spec in the game. Its NOT broken, its NOT that dangerous, just fun to play…
I think people see demo players having fun and get mad, asking why isnt their spec that fun to play?
wat are these delusional threads where ppl somehow think demon is op lmao
Demo needs more INSTA casts like the other 2 specs have, would be alot more fun in pvp.
Me sitting at 18% crit in pvp but I also play hell caller lol
Demo is has too many stuns and yet Disc still has no stun.
call this, above 2k in 3s all you fight is the worst splays ive ever seen, immortal specs. How do they lose? falling asleep at the keyboard?
Demo splay loses to a bunch of meta comps ur just delusional
not just talking about the demo version onl, aff version is gros
honestly i dont even know how demo does damage, i just see them jumping around, casting fear and occasionally stunning someone, its not very flashy to me
can someone explain to me like im 5 what they do?
Felguard and dog
You don’t see them casting dreadstalker, charhound, hand of guldan, tyrant, infernal bolt, ruination? They cast the most of out of any caster.
damn, that one is indeed worth bookmarking
im taking out my wife and kids picture from my desk and putting this post instead
no, I have 0 game awareness