Demo overbuffed

not sure what their obsession is with npc specs being overwhelming

also spriest is honestly busted

enjoy the rest of the season fight hpal demo splay where none of them die or oom while max pve daming you


aff is still destroying everyone.


Literally every meta shift


It really that strong? lol It’s damage was garbage before. Haven’t been able to try yet

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taps fingers together

" i lost a game. Obviously this is only possible if the game is unbalanced against me. To the forums!"

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I wouldn’t say overbuffed. If you play soul harvester and blood invocation you can constantly hit 1million demonbolts crits.

But locks have low crit chance and soul harvester caught some nerfs so Diabloist still does better damage.

And you can now play the right side talent. They fixed multiple bugged talents and buffed the pet damage.

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Hows the doom section of the tree? Its like 3 buffs in a row now

any buff that brings demo into “playable” range or moves it from playable to more playable/OP is an overbuff, don’t @ me


Demo’s definitely better than before, but that’s not saying much because it was C tier at best before today.

If anything, from what I’ve seen is that Spriest is the new Aff. The damage is pretty absurd


is that from the 10% to the 200k mindblasts or the 10% to collapsing void?

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    • Shadow

      • Mind Blast damage increased by 10%.
      • Shadow Word: Death damage increased by 10%.
      • Void Bolt damage increased by 10%.
      • Shadowy Apparition damage increased by 10%.
      • Voidweaver: Entropic Rift damage increased by 10%.
      • Voidweaver: Void Blast damage increased by 20%.
      • Voidweaver: Collapsing Void damage increased by 10%.
      • Voidweaver: Void Flay damage increased by 10%.
      • Voidweaver: Inner Quietus now increases Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word: Pain damage by 25% (was 20%).

idk maybe all that


that makes them do aff damage? lol. most of those abilities have poor damage which is why they were buffed.

mind blast, apparitions, swd, void blast, and void flay were horrendous damage.

more dot damage, and rift buffs are the ones that matter and they were only 10% or less.

aff was easily doing more than 10% extra damage over an sp and this is no 10% aura buff for sp.


dunno how much of it is sp buffs and how much is demo but demo splay is back in a big way :frowning: fun’s over everyone

MLX too :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

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maybe not necessarily aff damage but I’m saying it could be taking aff’s spot as the new op caster.

Maybe I’m wrong. But from what I’ve seen today in-game and high level streams they are pumping. Typically top dam every game vs most classes. It’s definitely fotm, everyone’s qing it. Demo is looking strong too.

2k+ queues are infested with demo splay rn, I hope it’s just that people are trying it out and aff is actually better because demo splay (especially with hpal or rdruid) is far and away the most boring comp in the entire game


That’s because he doesn’t know what he’s talking about like most people, just sees scoreboard damage and OMG broken! It’s kind of like the same geniuses that see battleground damage done or killing blows, lmao

Feral still has the best effective dps in the game, now that it’s only other 2 competitors (lock/udk) got nerfed.

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I always liked it, sometines the doomguard outdamages my tyrant. But now that they fixed the pet talents and buff the felguard I’ll play the right side over doom.

I’ve played this game for 2 decades I’m not dumb, at least when it comes to this game lol

Damage isn’t everything we all know that. But it’s definitely a big contributing factor. SP is looking really strong and I guarantee we’re gonna see quite a bit of it this next AWC.

being toxic for no reason

Glad you agree with me.

This doesn’t mean anything anymore, overused.