Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

You have to fix Tala and Velo. They are the hardest bosses in the history of WoW. If I had next expansions gear I still wouldn’t be able to beat them. If they are in the middle of your Delve and you can’t skip them. You have to reset the Delve.

You can’t CC them, you can’t stop their damage which is based on HP%. You can’t damage one of them. It’s a massacre. I’ve never felt so helpless.

They are INFINITELY stronger than the End Boss in the Delve. I can beat the End Boss but have no chance of getting even 1 of them too 90%. You made them literally impossible for most Classes.

Not to mention Tala and Velo are 100’s of times stronger than the other Heralds. I’ve never seen such crazy mechanics on a duo of bosses.

Tala and Velo are the true TWW End Game Boss. Zekvir and Xal’atah are pushovers.

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