Delves or Dumpster Fire? You had one job

The new tuning on delves has legit ruined it. you can’t just fix the one issue with the scaling you must destroy the whole lot for everyone. Its Chorghast 2.0


They did fix the one issue. The fun was the issue for them.


I experienced this in real time, when I was running a Delve very recently - I suddenly hit a wall and could not progress. Ran into a mob (Venombite + Kas’dru) whose scaling just seemed obscene compared to everything else.

Turns out they had just hotfixed it when I got there and now the run is not possible to do.

I appreciate Blizzard’s urgency to fix stuff and that players are never going to be happy (take too long, we complain)… but seriously, take the extra time to figure out what’s actually breaking rather than try and patch it fast and completely wreck them.


Fun was detected and Fun was snuffed out…


What I don’t get is how?

How was tank, DPS, and healer damage intake so varied to begin with?

How was Brann just nerfed to 5% of his original damage? Shouldn’t this insane of a change have been a tested feature?

How did they think making everything in a group more difficult instead of fixing solo play would be a good design choice?

How can they somehow screw up every single thing about delves in a hotfix?


it felt like they crippled his healing as well, unless I’m going crazy.


Crazy, you find something fun to pull you back into the game, and BAM!

If this is intended, it makes me very sad, I’ll say that much.


Don’t know why anybody expected anything less when they left torghast in a horrible state for the entire life of shadowlands. WoW devs are literally incapable of making content that isn’t just a pure item level check.


It’s supposed to be a challenge. Not hand you the best gear on a platter.

Delves are more akin to Horrific Visions and no, there’s no legendary attached to it and you’ve got other ways to gear.

It wasn’t supposed to be a cakewalk to easy ilevel.


what is the challenge of surviving 5-10m hp auto attacks from trash mobs?


Clearly, we were going through blizzards content faster than was acceptable.

You can’t be done in a week, that’s bad for player retention. No, you must suffer for at least a month.


fun detected
Delves ruined in the 2nd week. Now there just a frustrating mess.
Better off just waiting for keys and running them. Delves are dead now


Their job was to make delves harder and to remove fun for solo players.

The devs earned their paycheck for this “hotfix”.


Blizzard just absolutely refuses to ever test their content so it can released in a semi-balanced state. Instead, it’s an enormous mess, and they immediately rush to fix all the stuff that’s too easy while ignoring the stuff that’s too hard for like a month.

Happens every patch, like clockwork.


Went in with a group of 4, got hit for 10million from one mob, and 3mil web shots from others. We couldn’t get past them…wiped in seconds. I got screwed out of a coffer key yesterday (567 piece of loot from it) and got told “tough luck” from the GMs, and they haven’t even fixed/addressed that issue yet, but they “fixed” this?


Did every delve solo as holy priest, +4’s onwards were tedious and slow but atleast you could do them as long as you did mechanics and saved cd’s for certain aspects. Did one group run last night and it was waaaaaay to easy…glad to see their idea of fixing something is to immediately change every aspect of it, even the non broken parts. started my blood dk on them and watch in real time as it went from using 1 cd per pull and another if I messed something up or just wanted things dead sooner…to getting hit 99 percent of my hp solo with 4 cd’s running and spamming the 5…all whilst doing 1 percent hp damage for the 10 secs i do manage to stay alive with the cd’s running…just another thing for blizz to chuck out i guess.

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I am about to just quit all together. Whoever did the math for this buff should be fired.


It’s Diablo 4 fail release all over again. You have to have gear higher than what it actually rewards…that’s not a challenge…that’s stupidity. The gear isn’t handed on a platter, its tied behind keys that aren’t unlimited, only has 4 up a day, and the gear for an 8 is the same as a Mythic +4 rewards. you’re telling me that come next week a +4 mob will hit 80-100 percent of the tanks hp per auto? you’re out of your mind.


But but but you just want it to be handed to you. /s i might as well get the usual chud response out of the way

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game design by spreadsheet. They don’t play test at all, it’s all numbers in boxes for formulas make spreadsheet turn green.

I love that everyone is blaming one group of players or another for their bad feedback being heard (despite historically them ignoring all player feedback) when in fact they slipped and admitted the only feedback that matters is corporate’s spreadsheets-

In one of the early D4 campfire chats they had a class balance dev on and he admitted he was scared to change numbers on skills and items because he never knows what the knock-on effect is going to be.
He admitted they’re guessing and don’t fully understand their own systems.