Delves not rewarding Undercoin or Delver's Journey progress?

I received 1.5k Delver’s Journey progress from the initial quest today, but that’s been the only source of Delver’s Journey progress for me. Likewise, the same quest gave me 750 Undercoin (and a weekly cache gave me another 20), but Delves themselves have not been rewarding either.

So far, I’ve run a Tier 4, 5, and 6 Delve, making sure to clear out the empowered Zekvir packs along the way. None of these has been Bountiful, but even the regular ol’ Heavy Trunks aren’t giving anything.

Wondering if anyone else is experiencing this or if I’m just plain missing something? Thanks!

Update: I received DelveCoin™ and Journey progress last night from Tier 8 Bountiful Delves, but regular Delves are not providing anything whatsoever still.

Also wanted to give a bit more context to the confusion; in-game, Brann says, “Openin’ a Heavy Trunk, Bountiful Coffer, or Hidden Trove at the end of any delve will earn ye progress […] The harder the delve, the more progress you’ll earn!”

Meanwhile, Zekvir’s Influence reads, “…Defeating [empowered packs] provides additional Undercoin and Delver’s Journey progress at the end of this delve.”

It’s the “any delve” and “this delve” language that makes this all feel like a bug. And I hope that’s the case, because Journey progress only coming from Bountiful Delves would be painfully, frustratingly slow.


Same here, no undercoins for any of the delves i completed. Just the initial 750 from the quest as you stated.

Same issue here

Same issue, no credit towards the journey other than the quest.

Same for me too. Is progress only granted from Bountiful Delves or opening Bountiful Chests? If so I haven’t seen that messaged anywhere in game.

I don’t know if it’s a bug or we are just missing something, but I’m also not getting undercoin or delver’s journey progress. It’s weird though, you’d think if it were an issue that more people would be complaining (or maybe they just haven’t noticed/don’t care).

I still haven’t tried bountiful or T8, so maybe some combination of that is required? But I can’t find anywhere (in game or otherwise) that confirms that.


Edited my post with a bit more context just now, but I did end up receiving coin and progress from a Tier 8 Bountiful. That said, in-game text has zero mention of needing to be Bountiful so I’m still hoping it’s bugged. If it’s the intended grind, then in-game text really needs to be updated :\

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I really hope it’s bugged. The dialog makes it seem like they’ll drop from every delve, but I’ve only been able to get them to drop from bountifuls at tier 4 or higher, and in very, very small amounts. The grind required right now is just too much.

Same for me

I’m also experiencing this. I got progress and undercoin from the initial Delve quest from Brann, but nothing after that. I haven’t tried a Bountiful Delve yet. This is likely a bug since multiple sources online indicate any delve rewards these two things. If they changed it last minute, that’s a terrible shadow nerf.

Just saw this in another thread. It might very well be a shadow nerf:

So if they are limiting seasonal progress to only Bountiful delves, that likely includes the coins too.

I don’t see a reason to do normal delves once you unlock your tiers.

I just did a bountiful delve with level 15 Brann and he got 2 xp. I think this isn’t a grind I wish to pursue.


Yeah I’m only receiving Undercoin from Bountiful delves (not sure if this is the intended way or not. But on non-bountiful delves it still says undercoin will be rewarded for killing zekvir mobs). And I’m not getting any progress on Delver’s Journey bar. I’ve run all the bountiful delves lvl 8 since yesterday and my bar hasn’t moved.

I got the undercoins from the key quest but none of the reputation. Interesting to see someone else got it though so I know its a bug for sure

I just did a bountiful delve and got some coin but no progress. That’s annoying.

Im not getting Season advancement either. Have done 4 normal delves and 1 bountiful and nothing to turn in for the season other than the first quest.


Let’s think a little bit here boys. If tier 4-8 normal delves gave under coins, you would just grind them for keys and people would be able to spam bountiful delves for gear infinitely.

It’s even worse when you consider the fact that 4-7 delves are piss easy for any reasonable player. Asking for this makes absolutely no sense lmfao

Yeah man, the whole point of delves is to offer another way to grind for gear that isn’t spamming M+ for people who don’t like doing that. So why the not let people spam it and get gear that way? It doesn’t have to be overwhelmingly better than M+ or Raid, which they’ve made sure it won’t be through the gear limit, but it’s a little insane to advertise a 2nd way to go about getting gear and then just hard lock it behind the weekly limits of 4 coffer keys a week. Especially with M+ being infinitely spammable. Hoping they unlock it more next week.

Just ran a T4 Bountiful and got some coins but zero progress. i’m done until they fix it


I’m in the same boat, just ran a T5 bountiful, got coins but no progress. I agree with OP, the wording of branns dialogue makes it look like we should be getting progress on every Delve. Hoping this gets addressed soon, going to stop running them until its fixed as I don’t want to potentially waste runs.