Straight from Brann when you ask him “How do i earn progress towards the Delver’s Journey?”
His answer is “Openin’ a Heavy Trunk, Bountiful Coffer or Hidden Trove at the end of ANY delve will earn ye progress to access the rewards we’ve found.”
He says “any” delve not just bountiful. This is not whats happening.
I fail to see your point. I’d assume non-bountiful delves would give less coins and progress, and lower levels would too. You should be able to progress in this solo content how you want. If someone wants to grind out some tier 4 non-bountiful delves because it’s what is fun for them, why does that concern you? Go do your t8+ delves and don’t worry about it.
my delvers journey bar hasnt budged from right before level 3. im about to finish glory of the delver. its broken. that or blizzard has lvl 2 as the current delvers journey cap which is frankly stupid considering keys are locked at 7 which by then we wont need champion gear.
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I’m another not getting any undercoin aside from the initial quest giving 750. I thought it would award undercoin from any bountiful delve tier from the bountiful chest at the end with tier 4 and higher having undercoin drop from any of the other chests along with the bountiful at the end. I’ve not seen any progress on my Delver’s Journey either beyond the initial blip.
I don’t mind doing some grinding, and I have done some crazy grinding over the years, but this is ridiculous.
another player had mentioned to me in another thread that there seems to be a weekly cap on how much you can earn for brann and the journey bar.
I’ve done several bountiful delves & my bar has been frozen since the first quest. I’m still getting my Great Vault rewards for doing 8 delves a week, but nothing budges that bar & I get no further undercoin either. I hope it’s a bug because they really can’t be serious with this bs.
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My husband and I have been doing delves both solo and with others. I have done a bit over 20 delves and he has done 12. I have focused on bountiful delves, where he has just done regulars with maybe one or two bountiful. He is close to progressing to level 2 on the Delver’s Journey and I, who have done more, am stuck not quite halfway to the first level. I haven’t been able to report a bug or seen any response from Blizzard on the forums. Anyone else heard anything from Blizzard? It doesn’t seem as if they are addressing it.
I also haven’t been getting progress on the Delver’s Journey. My bar is stuck halfway through the first segment on the track. I’ve done about 10 regular delves and 5 bountiful delves, some at Tier 4 and 5. At least twice I saw Delver’s Journey progress listed as a reward for the delve, but this did not seem to advance the track.
All in all, I’m extremely disappointed with Delves. I was so excited to finally have an endgame system designed for solo players, but so far I’ve found delves to be a slow, unrewarding slog. As a solo player I find mobs have too much health, there are too many mob groups, and I get attacked by multiple mob groups too often. As for the challenges and bosses, there are often way too many mechanics going on at once for a solo player to effectively handle. It gets way too hectic trying to dodge and maneuver while still trying to do damage. Maybe that’s okay at the highest tier levels, but lower tier delves should have simpler mechanics. Think of your audience! Finally, the Torghast-like power upgrades are very few and far between, Either add more, or just get rid of them. They seem out of place.
I do hope you’ll keep improving delves, as it’s a good idea and has promise. However, the current implementation isn’t fun at all for me. Thanks!