I’m struggling on level 5 delves, so I don’t know if I’ll do these long term, and they feel a lot like torghast to me, in the part that I’ll do them as long as I can, until I can’t get further and then just be done. It’s fine, but not giving up on trying them just yet.
Are you referring to the 530-540? gear you get as a normal reward on EVERY level.
70-74 is almost face roll easy to level.
Yes it was. That was kinda my point. Glad to see so many alternatives to questing for leveling alts.
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I was able to do T8 solo as prot without any issue, so I’m not sure what to tell you.
I’m referring to the OP who’s saying they are getting hard stuck because of one-shots, which wouldn’t happen if they were decently geared from just heroics. This was the assumption I used when I said the OP must have been 40 ilvl below the rewards of the delve tier he was stuck on.
what about this is time gated? the fact that you personally can’t do it all on day one? that’s called progression, not time gating.