So as a player who was excited for delves and looking forward to making them my main play style and progression this expansion…
I am feeling very doubtful that I will enjoy these long term.
Delves were marketed to the solo community as bite-sized adventures that could be completed quickly and gave some gear/progression.
However this was before they “changed” how progression works yesterday and dropped the info that progression for Brann was locked solely to bountiful delves. Meaning that all regular delves throughout the world are 100% useless.
So they are intentionally gating progression behind bountiful delves, which each character can do 4 per day. With no ability to bank/hold onto missed ones throughout the week. So if a player can’t get to all 4 bountiful delves in 1 day on their character, they are completely missing out on all that experience/progression for Brann, the undermine coins, the delve journey experience, etc.
After doing 4 delves, my journey bar has barely moved at all. If players consistently are unable to complete all 4 delves daily, are they even going to be able to complete the seasonal journey bar?
On my Prot paladin, the highest tier I can get is 6 before tier 7 just straight up 1 shots me on the first mob group. So I’ll come back later with better gear, no big deal.
But even tier 6 takes me anywhere between 30 minutes to 1 hour based on the delve because of the extreme health bloat of the enemies.
There’s no way I am going to be able to complete all 4 delves daily at this rate
Why can’t the delves have some type of re-tune to reduce the health bloat
Or at least allow players to bank their missed bountiful delves throughout the week (7x4=28 weekly)
Where it keeps track of how many delves you’ve done weekly and after the 28th that week, it turns them all back to normal delves?