Delves is a joke for solo-er

My goals, keep it simple, aim for a tier 12 right off the bat. If I fail, hit up the forums and complain about how delves were advertised as (Solo) friendly with the option to have others join in. :disguised_face:

/Big MAD!

Is there a gnome /mad face, if so I need it.

Why would someone who cares about playing solo care about how easy the grouped experience is? This is a massive disconnect in all of these “delves are OP” posts that I have not seen an answer for yet. For someone who wants solo content because they don’t want to group with others, what matters is what their experience is solo. Can they complete the content? How long does it take them? Do they see consistent progress in the levels they can’t complete? How easy it would be for them to grab 2 randoms doesn’t even come into the picture.

What aren’t you telling us here? The more these replies get made, the more it seem the people echoing this sentiment aren’t really interested in playing solo. It’s more of keeping up with the Jones’s, but via a solo avenue.

For what it’s worth, I would be supportive of the idea that there needs to be a rebalancing of delves for solo, small group, and large group. I can agree that solo shouldn’t be significantly harder than running it with a group. But that topic gets completely buried when you insist that max efficiency is more important than your own experience with content that can be completed reasonably solo.

Nothing forces you to run with strangers, that’s a complete lie. You’re choosing to run with strangers because you want to maximize your efficiency. Again, that’s fine to take exception with grouping being more efficient. But it’s a complete fantasy to act like players who actually want to run solo content are somehow incapable of doing so because maximum efficiency is the only way to play the game.

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Skill issue.

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Apologies, I wasn’t directly referencing you and no offense taken or meant in return. It has just happened a lot in various spaces over the last couple days. Might be my own bias that it always strikes me as strange.

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Grand Scheme?

Those are my two words.

Whoa. This is kind of a lot dude. I think my ideas are pretty easy to comprehend: balance it to solo play with a natural difficulty curve. Make it harder in a group context rather than easier.

Lets be honest here, without the gear you won’t know for certain. Even with the gear, only you and Blizzard will know if there is some other thing at play. I’m not saying you got skill issues, I’m just saying this is a forum where nobody can know the other persons situation as there is nothing here that lets us see it. We can only assume there is a possibility of a skill or gear issue. Math will help better understand the situation some in a static situation where you are unable to move, use knock backs, or any sort of way to kite or remove aggro from yourself and onto brann. You know your kit better then I do clearly. I’m just saying here, we as outsiders cannot ever know for certain that it’s not a skill problem no matter what you say. We can however take what you said and know there is a gear issue at the very least.

I think they are fine. It’s only the first week and you are complaining about t10 being too hard? I don’t try to push past 8 personally. Not worth it until I get better gear. If a delve is too hard for me, I’ll often just lower it by one level and then have success with it. I think it’s bad how so many players are expecting to master them the first few days they are out lol.

I already done all 11 tiers in groups. But discovering possibilities in solo is also a play style isn’t it?

Also there must be real solo players, as Blizzard advertised this is a solo content, they shouldn’t be ignored right?

I’m not sure what your comments have to do with anything I have said.

in situations like that it’s easier to assume it was a misreply there was someone earlier that said they probably got carried to 11. Probably was intended to reply to them not you.

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7 to 8 is brutal.
I can’t even imagine what 9 → 11 look like, and I really don’t care.

OP is right in that gear will barely make a difference though.
What will make a difference is a higher level DPS Brann to tank for you and “clever usage of game mechanics” (LoS, 3D pathing, knockbacks, CC, interrupts).

I don’t really like using LoS to cut casts, but it’s the only way to survive T8+.


Yeah thats about what I expect things to look like, gear is more for DPS like I said earlier if getting hit is a problem, the solution is to try to not get hit. The mechanics you mentioned plays into that, which i iterated on later.

Read the recommended ilvl for each delve tier.


You’re literally in dumpster fire gear. Did you see what is recommended for you lmao

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That’s fine, I have no issue with that. It’s the hyperbole you keep pushing in this thread that it’s a requirement to group for delves.

Whoa there /s

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Karate Kid Part III - It’s ok to lose to opponent, must not lose to fear (

Never lose to fear, stay focused.

I sometimes imagine this moment when these delves get too hard for me and I want to blame the game.

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You are likely meant to progress as the season goes on. Our power levels just aren’t high enough for these things to be considered “easy” yet.

You’d be surprised how much of an impact ilvl has on survivability even when it seems like one shots.