Delves incentivize group play

Players who solo the delves are at a huge disadvantage compared to players who group up, due to how leniently enemies scale up as you add players. The issue is not solo vs. group content, but soloing vs. grouping the same content.

Yes, I am a solo player. I am affected because I am being forced to group up to clear the higher tiers of content that was advertised to have the option of doing solo or in a small group.

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The real question is, why are you getting mad and arguing for someone else’s sake? The Casual players will go about it at their own pace, expecting them to do day one tier eight is an unrealistic expectation. If this is content for them, there’s a good chance it can last the entire season. For people who are blasting through it day one, it’s just a stepping stone for gear or transmog which we would end up abandoning in a week once better methods of gear acquisition come in.

I can see it from all sides and reality.

What’s happening is all the people that wanted “hard solo content” got it and didn’t realize it was actually somewhat difficult. Hence the complaining.

Considering how poorly you play ret at a heroic level you shouldn’t talk about anyone’s “limitations”

My friends and I pounded out a bunch of 8’s today, just the two of us. We never died, we aren’t heals, they honestly weren’t that hard.

The last boss usually has some mechanics you need to do but that’s it.

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yep this is the entire point right here.

currently its more annoying and harder to solo them which disincentivizes soloing them. trios are the best way. its better then 5 mans.


i agree with this. i don’t want them nerfed, i’d like it if they were buffed for groups with multiple people. they should be easier for groups but not so much so that they’re a joke to run

Yep, if they just took the same amount of time to do solo as it did in a group, it would be acceptable.


Hmmm here I was thinking they are the challenging solo content I’ve been asking for. I’m toughing T4 atm on a fresh 80 but damn am I having fun!

not having an opinion is not the same as not mindng if it happens. that would be an opinion. and you know what they say about opinions… besides, since I am a completely solo player when it comes to everything except crafting and the occasional pvp, isnt this thread about me.

sure, in crafting and sales, but not in delves.

Its something I have been saying since they were announced, they were never meant to be solo play in the sense of having proper progression as a solo player. You will get stonewalled and require people. You cant even level Brann past 15 without having to harvest keys to do bountifuls. No Keys, No XP, No Levels.

Delves are just MoP Scenarios redesigned. Pure and simple.


Your response:

unrelated and off topic

Your response:

Again unrelated

You have demonstrated time and time again that you are the limited one here.

so bragging rights

and the mount sucks

delves being hard isn’t the point at all. the point is the meta is currently to trio delves or do them NOT solo. once that spreads to the larger player base what do you think is going to happen? most people will only want to do delves in a group because its faster, and more efficient which in turn disincentivizes anyone doing them solo except a niche few. and that will undermine the point of delves being “solo friendly” content as marketed by blizzard.

even your own statement supports this, as it was a breeze for you and a friend doing it NOT solo.


I would suggest to Blizzard that they start shaping delves as meaningful solo meta gear progression. But they can do what they want. I just know a lot of people bought this expansion with the expectation that delves were this content they were waiting for. So they’ll just simply not keep playing. Seems like a waste.


Yeah but Delves have an AotC that is only for solo players. It gives the cool void Blimp customizations, so people doing it in groups likely won’t see that.

you mean to clear higher levels of content you cant solo yet? keep clearing the tiers you can and over time your ilvl will go up and you will be clearing t8’s in no time. what’s the rush? that’s my point! sure, you can group up and max out your ilvl. then what? what was that rushing for? as a solo player what does that get you?

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I am a casual solo player and I got my Bran leveled to 15 by doing the delve quests while leveling a few alts. My best geared toon is barely even 580 item level.

It’s not fair that if I want to actually gear up my toons through delves as advertised, I have to group up now. Open world content also requires groups now.

The solo endgame in TWW is a lie.


Lol, do you actually think that I can only have an opinion on this game if my logs are high? Really? Thats Wild.

This game is incredibly unwelcoming to new players - case in point being your comment. If you want the game to grow, and I think blizzard wants that - then this has to change or its going to stay the way it is. I think delves were made for people to dip their toes into content at end game when they are new. One of the things that is a huge barrier as someone who started playing end game content as a new player in S4 of dragonflight, is gatekeeping of players because of iLvl. If you make it incredibly hard for people to progress their iLvl solo and people won’t add you to groups because your iLvl is low, it feels bad and people will quit the game. This is my point. You don’t understand because you have been playing this game forever.


No, you can solo gear with delves it just takes longer… They even said that at Blizzcon


How does other people doing them in groups prevent you from doing them solo? If you want to do them solo, just do them solo.