Delves incentivize group play

This is the one game mode that was specifically designed for people to solo, what are you even talking about?


If it gives 603 loot why did you expect solo players to just roll through them? You contradict yourself.

To which people are soloing.

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ridiculous. people who only play solo have a viable path to good gear. this is still an MMO and group play will always be incentivized. besides, not all specs can handle t8’s, especially at 580ish ilvl. having the option to get help is only a good thing.


the delve tier that gives the highest rewards are hard? say it aint so.

It’s not hard for groups. They just steamroll it. It’d be like adding 40 man raids to mythic+ and seeing no problem.


Most of the players soloing this content are raiders and and M+ players trying to gear for the season. Its not the target audience that soloing them currently.


This is bad because solo players are at a disadvantage no matter what they do—even for content that was advertised to scale fairly for solo players as an option.

So now we have group content like dungeons and raids that require groups, open world content that completely incentivizes groups by offering the same rewards faster or easier for groups, and delves that practically require groups (particularly for undergeared DPS toons) due to the insanely lenient scaling.

Solo players are simply asking for content that doesn’t put them at a huge disadvantage (in terms of difficulty or time spent) for not grouping up. The solution is to make delves for solo players only, or stop making delves scale so insanely leniently for groups.


Blizzard never said doing them solo would be the easiest way to do them.

Also, this is an MMO, the whole point of the game is group play. However you can solo if you like, but that doesn’t mean it’ll be easier than group play.

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I did T7, with 584 ilvl, as fury. a couple were bountiful for the great vault purposes. I stopped because I’m ick and tired of every single delve hving massive amounts of stuff on the ground I have to move out of, thus forcing me to stop hitting the things. I had one nerubian delve with a mob tht kept respawning, putting down a lazer, which empowered the boss, that had to be killed so the boss would depower. That boss would then slam the ground, putting down a pool of “don’t stand here”. This was the entire, tedious boss fight.

I’m not asking for these to be facerolls, but gimme a break.

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Me too, so lead by example and stop.

Just did that one last night and I hated that fight.

I learned tho that you can use a knockback to interrupt the adds channel and drop their shields which is pretty helpful

What does it matter if M+ players and raiders are playing solo content? This is completely irrelevant.

Not to mention that a large majority of you “solo players” were begging for solo content that gives good gear even if it takes much longer than M+ or raiding. This is that.

Stop moving goalposts.

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ROFL talking about reaching to the extremes.

Mplus doesnt award the best gear minus the vault.

Sendryn has already proven this wrong.

Its designed for solo OR group play.

The only reason this is doable solo is because bran is ungodly op
if they ever nerf his ability to tank or dps, delves are dead for solo players


You can also intercept the beam yourself which does some damage but not nearly as much as the boss would with the empowered attack speed. The Channel’s beam I mean, you don’t want to be standing in the initial cast that has the big ground AOE with it.

Well why wouldn’t you introduce a 40 man raid option to M+? If the only variable is that you get to play with your friends and it doesn’t matter how others play, what’s preventing that from being something you support?

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a disadvantage against who? they aren’t competing against anyone. unless you are saying the whole point of this game is to get the highest ilvl first? if that’s the case, a solo player would never win because they don’t raid or run mythics.

Are you a solo only player? how exactly are these group running delves affecting you?


Yeah and I solo’d 2 T8 bountiful delves as a 582 paladin - I’m not talking about myself. I am not a typical casual solo player. This mode is for them, not for try-hards and I think that is what people are missing. Most of the people in this forum play everyday, they do M+ content, they do raids. This is supposed to be a mode that people who aren’t doing those things can do.


I think the the point some are trying to make is that the content designed for solo players shouldn’t be easier in groups. That’s just bad scaling. Now some classes absolutely would be brutal without someone else like Shadow Priests and how many abilities hit like trucks.

If the delve is only 1.25x more difficult duo than I’d say that’s weird scaling. And duo just gets to play around mechanics much better that the solo player sometimes cannot with Bran disappearing at times.


Its the same difficulty. Its actually pretty trivial content. Good players are blasting through it.

Can almost guarantee you none of the people you are claiming delves were designed for even had their brans leveled before yesterday