Delves incentivize group play

The question was if a midcore could clear them in a season. The answer was yes, they will just be doing it later, with more gear and Brann levels.


When people say forced, theyā€™re talking about forced in order to be efficient. Thatā€™s why it matters how many people are allowed to do certain content. If more people equals a greater degree of efficiency, one is forced to do that if they want to keep up with the herd.

Itā€™s the same reason they donā€™t add 40 man raids as an option for M+. It would trivialize the content and force people into doing it in raids to stay efficient. Which would just be bad design. As it is letting five mans do delves, when calling it solo content.


What level is punishing for the solo/casual player you describe?

Iā€™d argue that something would be off if that audience was already clearing 8ā€™s Week 1 just like something would be off if your average Raider was clearing Mythic or you average M+ Vault player was clearing 15ā€™s and up in that same time period.

why is this a bad thing?

if they want to actually be able to do it, then yes.
it is basically a glorified mini dungeon at this point.
If I canā€™t solo it on any class with the appropriate gear level, and I HAVE to get a group to be able to do it, that means it is FORCING it to be group content.
Not ā€œyou can do it solo OR with friendsā€.


There will never be a time where a solo player is ā€˜aheadā€™ of group players. Or able to do something a group cannot.

This just isnā€™t the game for it.

A group can probably get it done much easier, and thatā€™s pretty much everything except stuff like Mage Tower.


I donā€™t even know what ā€œmid-coreā€ means. But if my guildies, who donā€™t raid, donā€™t do dungeons higher than Heroics, donā€™t play every day, donā€™t have gear above 590 can clear themā€¦ then I donā€™t know what more the OP wants.

Wrong. They can absolutely be done solo. Get more gear, get Brann up in levels if you canā€™t do it right now. Itā€™s only day two of the entire seasonā€¦


Can you imagine the outcry if Delves were solo only but tuned like the OG Mager Tower?


Mid-core would be like KSM/AotC by end of season goals, maybe some mythic but not sweating it, not rushing or min-maxing.

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So people more geared who do higher content than my guildiesā€¦ who are currently clearing tier 8s?


Did you actually read the quote you posted? They literally say the content is for mid-core players.

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lol. were you doing delves yesterday? plenty of solo players running tier 8ā€™s solo on day one. besides, who cares what other players are doing. if you are playing solo, there is no competition with other players whatsoever. Just work up to tier 8 in your own time


Words are weird sometimes. The average player would be able to solo tier 8 delves before the end of the season because of gear progression. Between crests, Catalyst charges for its tier bonuses crafted gear, Etc people are going to be loaded up with power which will make the content easier than it is now for the people going in with heroic dungeon gear, no set bonus, and limited crafted gear.


Youā€™re the one who didnā€™t read. She said:

Thereā€™s also a challenge component that could help it appeal to a broader audience, mid-core or so.

Also, in addition to, something to appeal later on to more players at mid-core or so.

Please comprehend first, before you make up things.


Im not going to say I called it but,

I definitely called it.


Iā€™m soloing T8 delves. The problem is groups can do that and itā€™s trivialized content. They can just do it real quick and go do something else in the game to progress their power. Itā€™s literally a group meta. Just another group meta.

People that bought this expansion for a solo meta option donā€™t have much more reason to play.


God forbid people who group with friends are more optimized for content than people who dont play in groups in a group based game.


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The challenge compenent IS for mid-core players, not for hard-core, are you reading the same sentence I am. The challenge component as it currently exists is not mid-core. I donā€™t see people progressing to iLvl 630 and beating every delve at tier 11 so they can face Zekvir and complete the content as a solo mid-core player. A mid-core player CAN complete M+ because the loot drops are such that they can gear up. The delve content is currently gated by keys.

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Currently, nothing in the game gives better rewards than tier 8 Bountiful delves besides the raid which is currently High competition for loot.

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So you support adding a 40 man raid option to m+? I mean yeah you can just basically AFK to the best gear in the game, but at least you can play with your friends right?