Delves incentivize group play

I don’t.

Good news:

They’re soloable.

Just because you’re having a hard time doing them doesn’t mean they can’t be done solo.


They aren’t going to affirm what you want, which is faceroll content that gives you the best gear.

You can solo t8 delves right now, even undergeared for them.



I wonder how much this post contributed to them completely breaking delves.

You can face roll T8 as dk or paladin, so this is clearly easy for everybody, you just have to play 600 apm mage to get it done, but thats totally the same as facerolling as a plate wearing self healing damage dealer.

Front loaded dps spec like HDH, fury warrior and ret pally seems to have an easier time than DoT spec or glass cannon spec. Tanks also seem fine especially if they have some sled heal or IP. Healers, caster and even some spec that are squishy seems to be the loser

Hear! Hear! Completely agree. It sounds to me as if those arguing over the most recent hotfix are actually complaining and being disingenuous over no longer being able to absolutely demolish a delve via 5 man groups.

You realize this isn’t a thing, right? Lol

Would be nice if Brann had an option to be a tank.

As a healer, Solo delve is a boring facetank simulator. Its not fun. The community will always find a meta.

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There is no “again.” It should have always been on the same level. Two-manning it was trivializing it entirely.

If you cannot comprehend that, then I don’t know what to tell you.

It’s madness to me every time someone cries about group activities in an MMO. If you are truly not into playing with other people why on earth would you play wow or any MMO???

I’m not saying it should be done, or that it’s even feasible. But, you can start a key solo as long as you aren’t in a group when you try to start

We keep saying it, folks keep not listening:

-Some of us have little control over our schedule, especially in terms of entertainment;
-Some of us, after a hard day of work, don’t want to deal with other people at all;
-And some of us enjoy a game that is always getting new content, something that single player games often don’t provide.

I have a Wei d schedule. It’s not hard to find people who play on similar schedules. With cross realm grouping it’s even easier. Building a friend’s list of people with similar interests is not difficult.

I mean, you’re completely entitled to play the game in whatever way you want, even if it’s less optimal, but that doesn’t change the fact that the game IS an MMORPG and it’s not only normal, but expected to incentivize group play.

Now, perhaps the current tuning is too harsh on solo play, and that should be addressed, but OP’s point is that it’s “bad for the game” to incentivize group play in delves, and that’s what I was answering to.

Should Blizzard fix the overtuning in solo mode? I think so. From what I’ve gathered, it’s way too overtuned.
Should Blizzard incentivize group play in delves? Absolutely.

Steam dot com has this section with like a billion single player games and 3/4 of them are under $20. For the price of your wow subscription you could play a new single player game every month and will be the center of your universe.

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If your having problems soloing stuff, its you… At 592 I can solo a 9 on a frost mage

This is an absolute lie, stop trolling.

Factually inaccurate. 8s are tuned for 600 ilvl, which is lower than M0. 1-8 are trivial difficulties, lower than all of M+.

In the same way that vegan food is a problem due to people liking to eat meat.

And yet it’s not…

Recommended ilevels are only recommended. And this is for open world players and casuals who don’t really do M+ or anything else.

Ah. So you can’t be taken seriously. Nevermind.

I want to ingest sugar and caffeine after a hard day’s work, so I demand sugar and caffeine be added to all bottled waters.