Delves incentivize group play

play the other things that exist in said MMO. you don’t need the entire game to cater to you.

If you cannot comprehend that grouping has always made content that could be grouped for easier than doing it solo, then I don’t know what to tell you.

And yet it hasn’t… Visions and Torghast both were scaled so that the difficulty was mostly similar as if you did it solo. In some cases, solo was easier.

So this is a you comprehension problem. And the fact that no, you shouldn’t be able to cheese Delves with a group over solo. Done.

It has for twenty years.

Thanks for the trip down revisionist history lane.

This is a bad players wanting free gear for faceroll content problem tbh.

I imagine it’s going to be quite annoying to you that this is still going to continue.

Your condescension doesn’t make you correct.

Dude… what the hell are you on about?? This ENTIRE CONVERSATION was about making Delves HARDER for groups and keeping the actualy hard difficulty for solo the same hard difficulty it should be for challenge content.

Have you even paid attention??? Good god, this isn’t worth my time. It’s like talking to a wall that didn’t even read.


I don’t even know why I bother anymore.

I will remind you that solo play in this MMO started on DAY ONE. Said so right on the box, dontyaknow.

bosses hp and damage shouldn’t be lower when you have more ppl in a party.

Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

This is a slippery slope argument. The delves were already said to be 1-5 players. It’s already meant to be solo or with a group. It will of course be faster with more people. Anything will be, even WQs. And I can tell you haven’t done them in a group because you cannot afk your way to gear. That’s crap people use to say about solo and casual players. It doesn’t work any better the other way around.

One of things I will say for Delves, Blizz has been actively iterating on their tuning. This is a massive win compared to just letting the content rot from a myriad of problems. It’s far from perfect, but if people continue to provide clear and actionable feedback and blizz continues to refine their design both parties will certainly be better off in the long run.

TLDR: Enjoy the content, hit the bountifuls, gear up and move up. Progression is a thing in MMOs.

And i am glad to see it coming back. Used to he dungeons to heroics, heroics to raids, raids to mythics, heroics raids etc. Now everyone wants to be 100% in 2 weeks so they can just btch about having nothing to do.

I am definitely casual. Maybe slightly more into it because i enjoy raiding and end game content as well as gear progression having my character feel more powerful. 597 or 598 ilvl right now. Clearing T8s solo and in groups. T8 is the sweet spot i think. Its hard enough that you can die/fail but the rewards are there when you make it to the end (especially focusing bountiful).

T9 however, is a whole different story. Added mechanics, mobs hit like a whole truck and bosses are (in my opinion) not possible solo at this time (Brann is level 20). Im sure some people have killed Kavkir or whatever that end deove boss is but i tried solo and with a group and we werent close. Not at all. DPS was notwhere near it needed to be, heals were dying just trying to keep themselves alive. 12 tries i think and i was the last man standing every time. And my dps in prot spec is nowhere near enough to drop what id consider to be a raid boss by myself.

But like many have already said, this is just the beginning. Maybe the top 8-10% will be facerolling this but for the rest of us just give it time and enjoy it.

No problem with bosses, if the mobs were as easy as them then there would be no issue. I can go one tier higher with my hunter than my prot pally and it is 20 ilvl below. And only reason why it is not 2 tiers is because those caster amost 1 shot my hunter with those spells that seem to be meant to go after the player that does not have aggro.