Delves incentivize group play

Are you new to WoW? Serious question.

In every situation where a group can be utilized, whatever you’re doing is easier that way.

It’s been this way for 20 years now.

Refer to the above answer.

I have absolutely no idea how you arrived at the conclusion that because content can be solo’d, that it would be easier to solo.


OK, I edited my comment to be more specific to Delves.

Sure, if I go into a dungeon now in TWW on my own it will be very difficult. BUT Delves were designed to be played solo. Can we agree on that?

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I can’t find anything anywhere that says these were designed as solo specific content.

I think that people thought (for whatever the reason) that because a content can be solo’d, that it would be easier, more optimal; whatever way you want to put it.

Also let’s not get super crazy here. Delves are real easy until you get to the highest levels. Even solo. I don’t think that because content is challenging (I mean, I guess. It’s really not) that means it’s “anti solo player.”

OK, I will re-edit again.

Can we agree that they were designed to ALSO be played solo, as distinct from being designed to be played by a group only (eg Dungeon).

EDIT: I think I have to go as I am getting stressed about this current disagreement. I guess ultimately you can choose to believe what you want. I’m over the roundabout we are currently on, I need to go get a cuppa. Have a good day.

Worth adding that if T8 is too much for people, even while all the streamers and wowhead say you should do Tier 8, doing Tier 7 is perfectly fine and WAAAAAY easier, rewards will be the same (Champion for chest, Heroic for Vault) all you gain is save a few valorstones/crests that you can get elsewhere.

The fact that you can do them solo would indicate that yes, they were designed to be solo and also group content.

To think they were designed in such a way as to make them distinct from traditional group content that playing them solo would give you an advantage or at least not give you a disadvantage?

No, I’m not agreeing with that.

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Well, when you post “try to keep up,” you sort of invite mild stand offishness.

Sorry delves didn’t live up to your expectations of being easier to do as a “solo” player than they would have been in a group.

You arrived at that conclusion in some way that runs counter to how everything in WoW has ever been designed.

As a helpful aside, the group finder tool is slam packed with groups looking to do delves. That might not be your preferred way to do them, but if all you are interested in is gear; I think I’d utilize that before dying on this particular hill if it were me.

Now to give people credit, delves ARE screwed up royal RIGHT NOW, seems there is a dev stealth live messing with the scaling because one of those regular, non-elite mobs on the kobold delve at T6 just hit a friend of mine with a regular melee autoattack that did over 10 million damage lmao

No one is asking for this. As a matter of fact, they’re asking for the opposite: it shouldn’t be faceroll for anyone which includes groups.

They need to balance it to be just as much of a challenge for a group. I’m not sure what you’re not understanding about that.

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All classes are not created equal. NOr are all delves. Some are WAY easier than others, even at high tiers.

Yep, already have.

They weren’t announced as solo end game content, just end game content that could be grouped or solo. And EVERY class has shown to be able to solo Delve 8s this far, despite Brann being nowhere close to max level, and despite a 20-25 item level deficit of recommend ilvl

And despite it literally being a handful of days into the content that is SUPPOSED TO be more challenging for world content players


Grouping has always either made content either A:Possible
B: Easier

I do not understand how anyone can miss this ridiculously basic concept that WoW has followed for twenty years.

One more time as well, because I think this needs to be said again.

Delves are easy. People screeching about this are just bad.

People being quick to say they are for solo AND groups…they seem to only care about the group part of it and make it sound like those of us who play solo are in the wrong for complaning.

This was someting solo players were looking forward to as well.

It should be properly tuned for solo players as well so we never have to think “I may have to get another person or group to help”. Also dont respond with the usual “get gud” cause many solo players are geard and know how to play quite well. Its not tuned right and Blizz seems to only care about making sure it works for groups. Solo players be damned.

Its not fair tbh.

Delves are easy as a solo player, or in a group.
I really don’t understand the issue here.

Also, there’s more group content than solo content soooooooooooooo

Just because it was designed to be solo’d doesnt mean everybody should be facerolling T8 week 1. If you’ve proactively gone after your gear to lvl up your ilvl it will be easier i Was close to completing a T8 solo before these changes but im also ilvl 600 close to the recommended ilvl. At the end of the day its an activity in a MMORPG its designed for a wide range of players and it was made tough if your getting rolled in T8 with ilvl 580-590 either get better gear or play better.

I just love how everybody seems to think it was facerolling T8 in groups at the start. No no no we got rekt we did the same silly things like waiting a 1 for arcane cooldowns res and rebuff after trash pulls reset when we screwed up. Then after the struggle we got gear it got easier then once everybody was sitting on 3-4 pieces of champ tier gear.

That is not what he said. Drop the “specific”.

I can read. I know what I responded to.

I’m not going to allow intellectual dishonesty a pass just because people are going into content they expected to be face roll while at the same time providing outsize rewards.

Yet you engage in it yourself, apparently. Like it or not, Delves were sold as a SOLO end game experience. Go back and listen to Ion and other devs on this matter.