Delves incentivize group play

You can really tell sometimes who chimes in without even bothering to read anything lol…

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What a mess.

Balancing a multiplayer game around solo play is probably the reason for this. It would be terrible game design.

Anyone in the game can open up the group finder tool and find a group if they want an easier time with it.

If they don’t, well…these are soloable.

is my point.

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Which is lesser by a large margin than mine.

That may be your opinion, but the fact remains that Delves were shown by Blizzard to be activities that could be undertaken alone. Making an activity designed for solo play dramatically more difficult than doing it in groups tends to void the idea of solo play. People will stop doing it if it becomes too difficult for them to do; not everyone wants to play in a group, circumstances differ after all.

It isn’t ‘terrible game design’ for many people, it is ideal game design.

And they can be.

A generic kobold hit me with a 1.5m critical. Clearly, with the way this content is right now, only immortal tanks or groups can handle it. The idea behind this content should be something solo that rewards good gear. Having to farm M+ or form a group totally defeats the purpose of the content for me—they might as well just remove it from the game

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Yes, stating the obvious - as you are well aware from the topic and other similar posts, it isn’t as simple as that. Try to keep up.

Well, you can technically do anything, can’t you. We were, however, led to believe that Delves would be solo endgame for us. Right now, it’s not. It’s just another group content event.

We shall see if this is intentional or not, by how they react to that wowhead article.

It’s difficult to keep up with all of the intellectual dishonesty on display.

Everyone has Exactly the same opportunities in delves as everyone else.

I can’t seem to find a single post anywhere that blizzard made stating that delves will be faceroll easy for “solo players” or even groups at any given level, or that just having a pulse should be requisite enough to glean the best possible gear rewards either directly from a given delve or from the great vault slots that they unlock.

Delves are impossibly easy (even solo) for the gear level that they reward. There’s not an issue whatsoever that people actually fail or have a difficult time while learning these. The fact that someone is repulsed by the idea of actually putting in a minimum of effort for gear as good as delves rewards is so silly.

I solo’d two of my level 8’s today. If I can do it, you can too.

Cool story. You ain’t me tho, and you don’t pay my sub.

Sorry you weren’t able to faceroll your way to super powerful gear.


You guys act like $15 a month gives you the right to demand that the game be tailored to every idea that you have lol

Feel better now? Hey, dissing people on the web is so…what?

I feel better having done all my level 8’s today, two of them solo and getting a piece of gear I needed for four slots.


Soloed all delves at Tier 8 with nothing but heroic dungeon gear and those free veteran loots from the early Renown levels. Only 1 of them made me lose more than 2 resurrects.

Skill issue. Unless you play Priest, in that case my condolences.

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On a warrior? Go figure…

Mage and Evoker actually, warrior isnt lvl 80 yet

No, they didnt say it should be a faceroll. Most people would accept that the higher level you do something at, the harder it will get. That is accepted, and isn’t the point here.

The point is that testing has shown that doing it alone is significantly harder than doing it as part of a group. In what world does that make sense? If I go in alone and do a Delve, why should it be harder for me - alone - than it is if I go in with another person? Where is damned logic in that? When they indicate an activity can be done solo, did they anywhere say “and if you do it solo it will be more difficult than if you are with a group”? I betcha you can’t find them saying that anywhere.

Which is the point of these posts. sighs