Delves incentivize group play

No, completely solo, you can walk in, put a key in and launch it.

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You can’t. Not as of recently. Tried this in DF and it doesn’t work.

Can’t try it now obviously.

Yes, people used to do this to level their key down. You can’t anymore since they added the NPC to do it for you.

I dont.
Its nice to have more solo content that groups can have fun in too…even if they get better stuff from it.
I play for ME…I couldnt care less what others are doing.
Delves give solo players more content to enjoy…we dont need M+ group level gear because clearly we are avoiding that content anyway

Delves are A BLAST with your friends.

Here’s a vod of me LITERALLY doing it in s4 DF.

Didn’t get far AT ALL as frost, much better as blood though :rofl:

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Duo’s are just as good.

Yeah. I was highly surprised after soloing a tier 8, barely, how easy the tier 8 was with a group. Maybe it’s crazy harder at higher tiers? Would prefer to solo them myself. One of few who enjoyed torghast solo. But I do understand that even that content was stupid easy in groups all the same but it taught me to use abilities I never thought to use and now use often even in my 5 mans having these new keybinds for easy access.

Guess if people really want to learn they will take their time and solo the content and learn their class. Will absolutely teach them which buttons to press and use defensives. If people want to be carried, there is always group play.

This is exactly my point. If group content is so much easier than solo content and the earlier M+ keys then people will run the easier option for the better or equivalent reward. The problem is it creates competition between M+ and Delves and blizzard will tune between these two modes and this will be at the detriment of the solo players UNLESS blizzard creates some incentive for doing this content solo. It will just feel bad. There are different approaches to this - you can balance by reward where solo players gain a higher reward multiplier (creating an equivalent effort to reward ratio as those in group content) or you can adjust difficulty between the two. I actually think the former is preferable because its less of a headache for blizzard.

I dont mind running with another to make the T8 delves easier. I swap over to prot, and me and my brother just go have fun.

I will mention what does make the run more frustrating than anything, and that is Brann. Most of the time we just let Brann go get killed because the run is faster and easier once he is tanking the floor.
If there are casters in a pack close to another pack, I toss a shield, break LOS, and get everything gathered up to AOE down. That and some of those spells hurt. It’s great to be able to interrupt some of them. Brann will do everything he possibly can to grab the caster(s) and make sure they dont come with the rest of the pack. Then after he keeps the caster of from the rest of the pack, he’ll sometimes run in to the other pack and pull them too. It happens often, and I dont get why with him as heals he is aggressively bad DPS.

The recent change to potions being tossed out at the beginning of combat feels bad to me. He usually tosses those pots out while I am pulling back, or running in. So the pots are either consumed prematurely because he tosses them where I am backing up to, or they are tossed where we were and we’re now 20 yards away from where they were tossed out. Sure I can backtrack and go snag them if I get in a bind, but that just feels bad.

Anyway, I’m not bummed out by the challenge level of tier 8 & 9, I’m fine with it. I just wished Brann didn’t feel like he is working against me the entire time.

I got a 603 piece last night soloing a tier 8 on my fire mage. The only group content I’ve done so far has been 1 normal dungeon and 1 heroic dungeon. Which aspect of the expansion isn’t soloable?

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An MMORPG is in its core a group based game. You’re supposed to want to group up with other people to do harder content and get better rewards.

MMORPGs have some options for solo play for when someone needs to fill their time, but the game should always encourage players to group up with other players. It’s healthy for the game that way.

We knew since the beginning that Delves would be a play mode in which grouping would be an option, and it didn’t take a mastermind to realize it would always be better to go with a group. It wouldn’t make sense for it to be the other way around and, frankly, expecting a perfect tuning is delusional.

Groups, by their very essence, are able to cover up more weaknesses and have more tools at their disposal, even if the scaling is made perfect. It’s just the way the game works.

I hate to break it to you, even when they fix the terrible scaling, you still aren’t going to keep up with dedicated groups.

I disagree about mix max raiders, I was able to solo a tier 8 8in 580 gears. Now I was a tank and I went one pack at a time but that’s ok it’s week 1

Yes, well delves should be solo only. I’ll check back with the game when it has an some actual solo meta gear progression content.

It’s one of the basic tenants of MMO game design.

Social interactions makes a game more ‘sticky’ and have reoccurring monthly subscriptions paid for.

But they know these days most people want to play an MMO in a solo mode (actually they want some social group activity, but only with non-toxic players), so they advertised it as solo-friendly, to try to rebuild customer subscription population in the game.

Overall it’s hard for game companies to give it up. So they might try sliding it back in ‘through the back door’ when no one is hopefully looking.

Stop frigging complaining. Finally content you dont HAVE to have a healer/tank and you dont have to roll on gear

I just spent hours in raid and rolled like crud while other people roll 100s. All my gear today was from doing delves with a friend.

Could it use tuning ? Of course but stop trying to bury the best thing added since M plus

No they are touted as something one can so solo or with friends and it has been that way since the anounced back at Blizzcon 2023.

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while you’re certainly entitled to your opinion, that’s not the vision the developers had for them.

Right but saying that something can be done both ways but then making vastly different rewards incentives in either case does not make it a choice for people who are trying to progress. Already we are seeing gatekeeping - “You have to have cleared a Tier 8, have a iLvl 600+, etc…”. There are also several posts that I have read where bosses actually have LESS HP in group content, this is poor scaling of difficulty, incentive, and time investment.

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Delve enemies have LESS health and damage when you add more players, and you are calling me a moron?

I am not complaining that delves take longer to gear up through—I am complaining that delves do not scale fairly to solo players and won’t serve as the endgame pillar that they should be.