I’m confused how you think talking about 2 different types of content is the same talking about solo or group delves. Also, I do find it hilarious that it was a question of “efficiency” and now it’s become “trivialization”. Goal post shifting much?
Gottem. Lol their own logic against them.
You keep missing the point.
If 40-man raids could do M+ keys, and the numerical scaling was as insanely lenient as it is for delves (in addition to the huge amount of extra interrupts and CC), would M+ still be 5-man content? Wouldn’t players that like the 5-man format feel punished and disgruntled?
The 40-man raid would be at a huge advantage because it would be doing content designed for a 5-man team—just as the groups are at a huge advantage when it comes to delves (which are designed mechanically to be possible for solo players).
At the very least, delves need to scale numerically to match the advantages that groups bring to the content. Doing delves in groups should be more about respecting player preference rather than trying to punish solo players “because MMO”.
I’m not missing any point. You are trying to fit a square in a round hole.
Would I feel punished? No. Why would I, Is the loot worse? No.
This is why your and his entire argument doesn’t hold. Delves were designed for solo and group play. M+ was designed for 5, not 40. This is called circular reasoning.
I mean i tried a lvl 7 and mobs are legit hitting for 1mil per cast lol
Okay but what if they just add in some HP and said it was designed then for 40 people even though they can steamroll it half AFK?
So now we are moving to the what if game to keep moving goal posts and dig deeper into your circular reasoning?
This entire 40 man thing was your argument, not mine. It didn’t work because the designed intent were different since inception and development. Stop trying to force it, it doesn’t work.
You should have over 4mil HP by Tiers 7-8.
Use kicks. Use cc. Be cautious about over pulling. Have the helper as a Healer and run over potions. If you have to, don’t hit something and let the dwarf tank it, he can’t hold threat that well against something you are hitting but he can survive quite a bit as a healer. Buy tier 8, you would be looking at the smallest enemy having 1.3 million health give or take a bit, with common enemies being 8 to 10 million health and the boss is having way more, waiting for 2 minute cooldowns every single enemy would take an eternity, and bosses are way too big to burst down solo, Brann is your lifeline.
Yea i do i have 4.4 mil, and when you kick a mob it starts casting again lol, plus there more than one mob so i cant kick them all
They’ll hit for 2M on T8
That’s one of my main issues with delves so far, the other being the unavoidable massive damage AoEs.
Hard counters do work, but CCs do not reset enemy cast CD.
If you are pulling several casters, maybe that’s a hint that you shouldn’t pull multiple casters. The only time I would pull more than one Caster at a time is when cooldowns are up and I’m just going to destroy them in 5 seconds anyways.
There is a difference between something being soloable and being solo play only.
What u talking about the one with the spiders they are all casters,
You know that means many people on line you can play with .
It doesn’t mean you must play with other people.
Yes, when I would be pulling groups it would only be one caster and one that does the bleed attack, some of them have a massive frontal cone but that is avoidable, the spider ones are actually the easiest ones to do because the groups aren’t nearly as tightly packed as say the fungal or kobold ones.
Only kill what is necessary, clearing entire rooms is a waste of time and pulling an entire room solo is a death sentence until you vastly outgear it.
I feel like it was or we were deceived to think so. Torghast was easily done with one person in comparison
This has to be bait .
Did I miss Thursday , Friday and Saturday ?
I mean, people deceiving themselves into thinking something that was never said isn’t blizzard’s fault.
I mean, I remember the same complaints about Torghast.
“It’s to hard to do solo.”
“I can’t solo it on this class”
“I need to have these specific powers or I can’t do torghast on this class.”
“This boss is impossible.”
As for Delves, I don’t recall them ever saying it was solo exclusive.
I’m also seeing both in this thread. “Oh, I can’t solo tier 8 delves.” and “People are soloing tier 8 delves.” Seems exactly like Torghast if you ask me. When twisting corridors came out, I soloed, tier 8 was the top? Anyway, I soloed the top tier of twisting corridors on a MM hunter just after the 2nd week it was out started.
This is a wild take, I’m far from this and currently clearing T8 alone with ease…
Your logs show differently.
Thats funny because I went into delves and got to level 7 in 580 gear. sounds like excuses