Delves in War Within

Ive done 2 attempted 3. Maybe its a class thing or something but while the first one was fairly simple the sinkhole and this one with kolbolds gave me trouble due to pulling to many mobs and an elite just constantly killing me.Its cool idea and is fun when I’m not narrowly pulling a win out cause ele shaman things.

I had my first positive beta test session last night and I say this because

Never got dc’d not even once and I played almost two hours

Game operated just like retail DF meaning no errors prevented me from completing quests

Overall I enjoyed it and only had to submit three bug reports the whole time.

I also played my first delve. It wasn’t bad but I’m not gonna say it eas awesome when I don’t think it was.

I went in solo it was a mine with spiders. Bran was the npc.

Looking forward to see how they improve.

I’m still trying to figure out how to do a delve with friends. Are delves available for groups yet in the Beta, or no?

A lot of what you posted isn’t delves but just scaling itself being a mess.
They do indeed get harder as you level. A 400ilvl lv70 toon is like wearing tier 0 gear at a low lvl in classic. In fact most content is hilariously easy at 70 in WW at the moment.

For further scaling lols, you can also check out Mists of Pandaria Remix

Is it still there? I did quit Shadowlands lol. Maybe I’m better off not knowing. Shadowlands was horribly sadistic in game design. Everything from running around the Maw slowly to the maps themselves being hard to navigate just seemed to torture the player like all the souls in Torghast themselves were being tortured too.

But I do think it would be fun to do some jumps. If people hate it maybe just make it a gold reward chest at the top and not part of the delve. I’ll still spend an hour trying to get up there.

I like the delves, I just wish the stuff on the Isle of Michael Dorn in the capital worked, or the stuff to buff Brann worked for testing, or I could pick up those webbed ingots, or a host of other things.

So far I think they are tuned well, even for a fresh 70 to the isle to start a lvl 3 delve.

I look forward to further testing.