Delves in War Within

For those who have tested the Delves what do you guys think of them? I personally think they are ok but i don’t see myself doing them unless they end of having some huge rewards. I ran 3 different delves so far all on tier 3 which is the highest you can go on beta and things just flop over. Not sure how difficult they intend to be or the rewards that are planned for them at the highest level but right now they just seem Meh

I only did 1 delve but it seemed fine to me, easy while leveling but likely way harder at level 80(assuming anyway).

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Pleasantly surprised, I made a topic about them but it got pushed down the page already. I’ve reposted it in the quote below if you want it. There are a few other feedbacks on delves getting shoved down as well. I don’t think they are meant to be hard until endgame tiers.

The difficulty seems pretty standard considering lowbie gear is around 400 ilvl while DF S4 players are over 500 ilvl. Its hilariously easy but also in line with low level dungeons at the moment.


I’ve done 3 delves and the tier 3 kobold delve actually had a couple of tricky moments. Wasn’t hard, just took more damage than I was expecting to.

Can’t really judge them based on tier 3 because there’s a lot of potential there from what I can see. I’m cautiously optimistic that they might realize some of that potential.

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Delves will have a single weekly vault-style random end game reward. There’s an interface for it already, but it’s not active. The idea would be that you can still get some kind of Eng-game gear progress via delves.

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They get harder on further maps, did an underwater one that killed me 3 times, and i’m full 525/8 hahaha


the first 3 i did seemed ridiculously easy on tier 3. However I am now on Skittering Reach and still unable to complete it on tier 1 as a 515 ww monk. This particular delve makes playing melee feel really really bad with the amount of crap you need to move out of that is constantly being cast at your feet even inside buildings.

this particular delve also has these “cannons” that shoot you onto different platforms. They seem bugged. When trying to return to the original platform, my flight path back bugged out and it dropped me out of the world killing me, when I clicked on release spirit, it just resurrected me right there at my corpse and I was running around in the ‘void’ until the game crashed.

I laughed, sry

Thanks for this thread I’m quite interested in delving into delves. The SL’s one sounded fun on paper.

I find them interesting i done 2 so far the spider one had me lol when the guy you went in with would mine stuff then give your ’ SHARE ’ OF IT

At the highest difficulties it’s supposed to be like Mage Tower for the seasonal boss I read. Or at least pretty tough and mostly only for bragging rights.

So far they’re interesting and fun, but no idea what they’ll be like at tier 8 yet.

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admittedly the first one at lvl 1, the introductory one was really easy. once they start getting harder, i will likely spend most of my time in them.

i was one of those people that loved Torghast and saw a lot of potential in it if it dropped loot. this scratches that itch.

^If you love Torghast which sucked in my opinion (due to certain choices, not the concept) you will love this even more I think. I had no idea there were harder ones around, I’m trying to avoid spoiling myself on zones and quests but maybe I’ll hop over

I love old school rpg gameplay and stuff. Like I hated frogs being nerfed on remix because I wanted to grind them. Love that idea of random dungeons you can just roll tons of floors and tiers for hours in. Way more interesting than dailys and queues to me. I could definitely skip the entire story and just do these to max level.

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I am currently in the Skittering Beach delve, and yeah, even as ranged, it’s punishing on a 2. Constantly trying to move and cast. You can use one launcher to get you off the first platform, but try to take it back down? It looks like you are going to land…then you go through the platform and die. I’ve made it to “0/3 Faceless Devotees slain” and they are completely immune. You can’t attack them, dispel them, stun them or do anything with them. They are just sitting there channeling. So guess I’m going to leave and try it again in a day or two. Already submitted a report.

For that, You have to block the cast by standing in the line… You take damage, but then, they stop casting and you are able to kill them. They spawn again during the boss fight and you have to stand in the line again while trying to stay alive
The initial delves were way too easy, later ones hit really hard at lvl 3

Rewards not worth the effort.

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Hmm, ok, I accidentally crossed one of the lines trying to figure out how to interrupt them and it just ticked shadow damage until I died. Sooooo, not sure if that was a lag issue or a bug or what.

its why i bought the expac and paid for a year in advance. i finished a 3 last night, the mushroom one. for me at least its the best thing theyve done in a long time, i enjoy them immensely. i need to find this bugged one everyone is talking about, i want to test it also to see if i am getting the same issue. i have also gotten an upgrade on one of them and a warbound piece of gear for a lvl 80 alt when i level them.


You referring to the mine/spider one that seems to not want to let you out after finishing it?

no, i finished that one, i am talking about the one others were talking about above, skittering reach i think it is