Delves in War Within

Some are better than others. The worst one I have done so far is Dread Pit, it’s more annoying than challenging.

I’ve yet to get to try them, but really looking forward to giving it a go, as I’m a big fan of delves in retail.

When I saw the world ‘platform’ in the Blizzard text, my heart sank. I HATE platforms. If I wanted to play a platform, I’d dig out my original Atari or Nintendo or Wii and play on those things.

Putting that sort of thing in ZM almost had me quit the game (well it was the last straw in SL overall).

If I find them in Delves then I’ll be switching to the raiders model: Play a little, ditch the year long subscription and when the quests run out, go to some other game.

Really hope they reconsider there. I am not good at platformers, will never be, never want to be.

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Have done the intro and Kobold one so far. Enjoyable and fun. One bug I did notice with the last boss of the Kobold one is the ground slam can cause him to despawn. I haven’t gotten any experience from completing them I have submitted tickets for that. I can see these being fun and a nice way fill out the vault on slow weeks.

The under water one was a bit more challenging on a 3. Having to remember to get air bubbles and lots more mobs that spawn that seem to hit pretty hard. I actually did die in that one.

So far I enjoy them. I am curious to see how they are at level 80 and harder tiers.

I’ve done all of the available ones so far.
they have been great. It’s not a rushed feeling, just explore and do mechanics.
It’s nice to just have content to play through at my own pace, and I really hope they keep going with stuff like this in the future.

Also, there are seasonal achievements and rewards for clearing X level of them prior to the season end, so I assume it will be similar to M+ and PvP, giving you something like a title, etc.

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i had the same feeling, but my feeling is the platform elements are very rudimentary like jumping on mushrooms to get to a higher level, or using grappling hooks to get to a different area, not the fast reflex type of platforming that i expected. of course there could be other elements i haven’t seen, this is just my experiences so far.


Done a few now, as I’ve made my way up to level 76. Generally been enjoyable, I like that (so far) they don’t seem to rush you through them. Love the walking countdown items, especially when you realize you can drop the item (right clicking the spell) and pick it back up.

My big complaint, at least from my experience, is that I can’t keep the same experience as I level up for the same delve level. Or, more likely, the scaling is making me relatively weaker as I level up without getting a lot more gear. So now, at 76, to do a level 3 delve is a struggle compared to how I was.

I think what really throws me off is that the reward page, when entering a delve, still says that, at level 3, the Expeditionary Spoils is ilvl 369. C’mon, I’m getting my face wrecked for reward that’s much lower ilevel? Hopefully that’s also a bug.

Some other quirks - I can’t equip Brann with a level 3 ability. I collected 2 items (drops), but can’t seem to select anything in either healer or dps role. I’m guessing there’s a quest I missed, perhaps, but the tool makes me think I can just use it. And Brann’s healing sucks at level 76. The non-elite mobs can rip me apart and the potions he tosses barely make my bar move. Something definitely feels off with the scaling.

Ignoring that odd scaling issues, though, I’m still liking them and am curious what the different rotations offer. If it wasn’t so rough at this level, I’d be doing them constantly, like I did during my lower levels.

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Does one have to be on the dungeon server to run the delves? Or are they available on the others?

I’d like to give it a spin and see how they flow.

Do them on the leveling servers. Not sure if there’s a way to do them on the 80 server.

They’re marked on the map, all you have to do is walk in.

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Warlock to Warlock. We have Unending Breath. Unless you weren’t on the lock. Locks don’t need to breath.


Huh. Okay, I’ll have to take a look then. Seems I was looking in the wrong place.

The icons can be tricky to spot if you don’t know what you’re looking far. It’s a brown stone arch that is unfortunately the same shade of brown as most of the map. They stand out on the Isle of Dorn though so I’d start there.


i am on Alleria, so no, you can run up to lvl 3 delves on regular servers i think. i have not seen an option to run higher, although i would love to

I was on my mage. :slight_smile:

personally I hope they do it in some like the mushrooms.
Not every delve but have like one really in high tier with some insane cliff

anyone remember jumping jellies? the old jumping jellies before it got nerfed
if people get filtered too hard just add some brann perk to bypass it

I have run all 12 of them and many multiple times. I think they are a great option for solo play and given they will reward Great Vault items I see them being active. They get harder further into the content but there are still things like Brann Combat and Utility Curios that we don’t exactly know how will impact Delve runs.

We also don’t know if additional affixes are added as we move into higher Tiers (I am betting they will be). Overall, I think they are a great addition. Would like to run one with a group as well to see how they scale.

There is an achievement to get the Tier 4 that requires you have all gear I think at item level 546.

I find them to fun and a change of pace from the grind. The only issue I’ve ran into (and it could be some kind of user error) is that I can’t enter any as a group. My husband and I play together and other than the first one we haven’t been able to enter any as a group. I can go in but he gets an error message that he’s not the group leader. As I said, it could be something simple that I’m overlooking.

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I remember the jellies. And that place in ZM with the stupid balls thst would knock you off.

I never could do the jellies and gave up. ZM almost made me quit WoW entirely.

I also remember the incredibly buggy never fixed Bastion flower jump, that despite landing squarely on a flower, would have you fall through. They never fixed that.

As a side quest for some thing or other I could tolerate it because I could ignore it.

But as a pillar design if it is like the above? It really would be the last straw.

If I wanted to play a platform, I play a platform and Mario brothers is far better designed and fun.

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found the underwater one it was super soulful