Delves, Dungeons, and AI

Maybe put them all in uniform?

Imagine dry running dungens and completing dungeon quests this way. By the time you team up with other players you already know the instance, but people may still call you a noob due to your nonstandard tactics, no matter how effective they are.

They won’t be, because then all the “casual” players will rage about Blizzard catering to the 1%. They are going to be very easy and reward great gear on par with heroic raid gear I’m sure.

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Even though I would be the target audience for such a system, I’m not a fan of replacing humans with bots. It just feels wrong.

The only situation where I would like it is if the devs wanted more design freedom to put more quests into dungeons (Legion-style) without getting grumbling from people like me who tend to avoid dungeons.

New expansion called war within ?? DUH!!

If she is talking about Delves and has mentioned that they are coming in war within, it’s fairly safe to say they know that the next expansion is war within.

My friends and I were talking about this. Id love it if I could bring my own characters as the AI party member.

Especially with the new log in screen, like the 4 at your campfire are available for AI delve partners or something.

This is exactly what my husband and I thought when we were looking at it! I was a little disappointed, but hey! Maybe it’ll set the groundwork for something similar.

I love that idea, and wow your text color and avatar look amazing…

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Lol they borrowed this from Swtor. When doing solo story mode Flashpoints (dungeons) you get an AI companion that is your tank, healer and does DPS

I’ll withhold judgement till I see it in action. My understanding was it scales from 1-4 (= 5?) other people and the only AI character was Brann Bronzebeard, not a grouping of AI’s. I’ve been there, done that since classic with 5-mans, 10-mans, 40-mans guild drama, guild collapse, friendships ruined and destroyed. We even had one of our dearest members pass away suddenly. The stress, the tears, the heart-break at seeing everyone go their own way. I’m done with all that (and I’m 56 to boot, too old to play with younger people, and I now have MS (dx’d during TBC on my 40’th b/day), so my eyesight and reaction times are shot). This could be a lot of fun for me to dink my way up through delves and feel like I’m not a forgotten player in an MMO world.

I’m here for the RPG more than the MMO these days, so this is something that could possibly be right up my alley. It’s even gotten my hubby’s attention and he’s been out of WoW for 5+ years and said he’d never come back.

It could be amazing or it could be another giant disappointment. I’ll sit here and wait but I’m not getting my hopes up. AI or not.

**Edit to add - This char of mine has the wrong # of achievements up there and I can’t get them fixed. She doesn’t have 15720, but 20,265. I don’t know what’s up with her, but her # never goes up…

So you don’t have time to play anything more than casually, but you also have 5 Alta that you could solo a dungeon with.

Here is the better idea

Either learn to manage your time better or quit playing wow.

I don’t mean this in a mean way, but any time you spend on wow is time you could have spent with your child, which in the end will lead to a more fulfilling life then playing wow and hour or two a day, while also trying to dedicate resources to you how often you play or don’t play.

Unfortunately those resources are taking away from the people who either balance real life far better than you, or who have no life at all

I understand you aren’t trying to be mean, so I’d like to take a moment to respond to this in a manner I also hope doesn’t come across as rude.

I (currently) do not have 5 alts that I could play. I have two level 70 characters, and a 67ish hunter. I can play alts if I feel inclined, because if my child wakes up, it’s easy enough to pause my play time without impacting anyone else.

I didn’t outline when I get time to game, but it’s after bedtime, when I am free to spend my time as I wish. I’ve been playing WoW for more than half my life. I think that it’s okay if I want to continue playing, and have options for how I want to spend that time. For all you know, my life balance is perfect but I am still an adult with adult responsibilities.

As far as I am aware, there are multitudes of people working on WoW and group content vs. world content isn’t mutually exclusive for a company with enough resources to dedicate to them.

But casuals will probably rant about not having m+ ilvl then…

I get it man.

But I think the majority of the player base loves the end game content. I mean the end of this last season it was a struggle to find mythic groups for raid or group because people lost interest.

This doesn’t really help that this just give people who don’t have a lot of time to play something to do to make them feel like they matter

Do people who don’t have a lot of time to play not matter?

Not really no.

The thing is you know what you signed up for. An evolving massive multiplayer game.

Anything they create or do to a compare you is taking away from the larger player base.

I know it’s hard to hear.

But here is the thing. They put this stuff in the game gives me ( a player who has amble real life time to play ) one extra way to get gear, which puts me ahead of you that much faster.

When I get to where I want to be I quit, or play an alt. Sure you will still be doing your daily stuff, but then I have to find time to fill the void until next season or expansion. And if that void gets filled by another game or some real life hobby that’s money that ultimately can kill the game.

Or, having persistent and varied ways to progress one’s character actually increases the appeal and retention of the game.

Casual subs provide income just as much as tryhard subs do. And some people actually engage with the game because it’s a cool RPG, not just an ilvl increase lobby game.

I get being bored once you’ve hit a wall on a toon, but maybe - just maybe - try viewing the game as something other than “number go up then done”.

Besides, if Delves don’t reward mythic-level gear, they won’t be overly impactful for folks aiming for the absolute ceiling.

This sounds nice but logistically it could be a nightmare.
Instead of a static regular NPC that would be the same for every delve, the game would have to compute all of the specific talents/gear/abilities for every single individual Delve NPC for every player in the game using the delve system.
Not gonna say Never but it seems highly unlikely to me.

It almost sounds like an extension off of forbidden reach…but modified to reg outdoor world . You have to farm keys…geez…not again…