Delves, Dungeons, and AI

My issue is that I can simply never find anyone to play with due to the massive drop in population and increasing number of dead servers. So at this point the proposition is either quit, or gain AI companions to play the game with. Can’t create people to group up with me so… :man_shrugging:


I’m pretty sure they already mentioned Delves have a vault reward slot.

Oh ok cool beans that will be def something of interest then

Man, if you’re not in those dungeons within the first month your sol! After that it’s rush city with the occasional tank that takes time for others - of course with the other idiot dps running ahead pulling just because he/she can!

Being able to go through a dungeon the first time, actually see it, figure out the mechanics -especially if one doesn’t have fifty million addons - would be so much fun!


I don’t necessarily think this would be the case. AI training models do an impressive job, and it wouldn’t have to be all content, just specifically allocated “AI-enabled” content. I doubt delves will be that difficult to begin with, and I don’t think it’d make a huge difference.

For years with the tables and the followers I was suggesting stuff like this

That does sound neat too but I will still always miss the “set it and forget it” mission tables.

I’ll never be as rich as I was when those were a thing.

My dude, a lot of us aren’t here for the “real experience of group content”.

Multiplayer has a lot of different vibes for a lot of different people.

For me, the MMO space isn’t running dungeons and various other instances with random people to fish for better rewards or whatever. It’s hanging with friends when I can and enjoying a solo RPG in a dynamic world full of other folks when I can’t.

Different strokes for different folks. If I can see my other characters pop into something as NPCs alongside me, that would be stellar.


It was Guild Wars (1), not GW2.

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Ah, thank you for that! I played GW1 for about 10 minutes and went back to WoW haha.

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I played GW two weeks after launch, in spring 2005, I believe. When I bought it, I asked the guy at the store if I needed internet to play it and he said no, lol. Imagine my surprise when I got to the starting town and there were other people in my game! I played it until summer '06, when I started WoW.

Incidentally, I met my husband on GW and converted him to WoW in '08. :wink:

The first thing I thought of when they announced Warbands and showed the Camp full of alts was “I wish I could run Delves/Scenarios/Dungeons with a part of my Warband Alts.” Have them controlled via AI, maybe even being able to swap to different alts without logging out. I know there’s some AI scenarios out there, like Island Expeditions and that one Mage Tower scenario for Holy Priest where you’re basically running a dungeon.

Dang. I’ve never been hounded this much by as many people over an opinion.

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I wasn’t hounding, I was just sharing that maybe not everyone get the same value out of the game that you personally do. :wink:

Sort of but sounds like they won’t have all the mandatory crap that turned Torghast (a fun idea in isolation) into Choreghast.

Which is why the explicit words “My opinion” were included.

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I’m thinking yhey’re more like the vaults.


people who are trying to play the game dont really make friends that often in pve content, people who find friends are the ones who really try too in mythic + or join a raid guild for the community, its either a problem of im too good to play with you, or your to good to play with me kinda thing,

or you have the problem I have where 75% of your friend lists quits after a month or 2 , I have stocked up a decent friends list the past year but never more then 20 wow players on at once and thats after 100s and 100s of friends , I really wanted to do content with people I played solo trying to meet people to play with but at the end of the day I just end up alone again, otherwise im forced to basically carry people which I do and dont mind but it gets boring thats all , and I joined a mythic raiding guild and after the second session on the same boss wiping to the exact same mistake over and over but couldnt speak up because the guild leader is already saying the right to do , and the thing about mythic raiding is everyones just following a timed plan, you start a timer at start of fight and do callouts that are already written by world first guilds lol, I quit the game shortly after that , im only here because of wrath and because I DO LIKE WOW, and I will play season 3 , im just saying thats what happened to me and my experience , the game is better with people and its so much friendly and easier to play with people at different skill levels in wrath the player base might be smaller but it just feels way better for me atleast and I never got to experience wrath but it really makes it hard to go straight back to retail, imagine if dragon flight came out right after wrath,

It was just a redundancy. Of course it was your opinion. Everything on these forums is someone’s opinion.

But TL/DR, a lot of people don’t share that opinion. :slight_smile:

I do all the time.