Delves, Dungeons, and AI

Please do not AI-Shame…this is a diversity imperative platform.

No, I understand there are people that care about the story. I am also saying those people don’t matter.

The tryhards as you refer to them carry a large portion of the player base. Therefore the game should largely tailor to them.

I miss the days of time sinks, gated progression, and devs lacking a back bone to say this game isn’t for everyone.

However I would be more than okay with blizzard creating a single player game up to all current content so the casuals don’t have to pay a monthly sub

I also wish the devs would charge by hour for a sub so people can’t complain about the amount of time they can play then all of this gets easily resolve and which type of player makes them the most money.

Because honestly there is absolutely no content or created content that anyone as have created to explain how to be a casual player in wow.

Addons, wiki pages, numerous forums, numerous discord channels, a plethora of websites, tons of you tube videos all are made off how to be the best player you can be

it’s a numbers game…
players equate to revenue…
and there are far more
non-elite players in this
or any game than there
are elites.
that said…if the delves are fun
challenging and reward m+ and raid
level gear…should be interesting…
maybe they should have delve challenge levels
and reward level gear accordingly.

Oh I see, you’re completely unhinged.

Have a good one, then lol

relax, friend…all will be well.

Numbers game you say?

Define elite so we know what parameters you are going by.

Even in my current guild I wouldn’t say anyone I raid with is “elite” however we all do care very much about being the best we can. So in my humble opinion they would need to be included into elite that I believe you are calling elite.

More or less if you have aotc, and mythic value of 2600 or higher that would be “elite”.

But then you have a large number of elite players who only play when they can without raiding or doing many keys. However they are still elite

Either way from a number view point I would imagine those three groups alone put weigh the number of rpers, and casuals that have no idea what they are doing

numbers game i say…
i’ll refer your ‘elite’ ‘definition’ demands
to a common sense…
but i see you’ve already appointed
yourself as the arbiter of elite…
never forget…this is a business…
if only elites remained…the game would
close up shop…use your head!

No because you aren’t defining what elite is.

I am clearly defining it.

If you are talking about just the top 100 of each class in the game then sure.

But really it’s the top 1000 of each class that is what I would call elite.

Those people outweigh the other people. It’s really simple and all the data is at your finger tips to go look.

The top 1%, by definition, cannot drive the entire game. Their subs alone are only worth - wait for it - one percent of the game’s sub revenue.


So how do these people differ from “casuals”? Are you specifically talking about their skill playing the game? Because I’m not sure how one group matters in terms of content dedication, and the others don’t.

Not to nitpick, but I thought that as a Community Council member you had to meet a minimum amount of playtime?

As for Delves; there are some concerning features for me:

  • Torghast, originally was slated to be an extra activity where we could get alternative gear, but that quickly got shelved, and we only got Cosmetics and Toys, along with the obligatory Legendary components farm…
  • Delves sound like Scenarios, where the end loot was so far below the current ilvl, that it simply wasn’t worth the difficulty in completing it… Remember they were basically low M+ numbers in difficulty, but only rewarded a Heroic ilvl item…
  • Countermeasures against botting them - will it be a run limit, loot limit, ilvl limit, cosmetics/toys only, loot only comes from the Vault, or any other severely limiting mechanic?

There is no minimum playtime requirement. An active sub, but I assume they vet members prior to offering them a spot.

Scenarios, like other instanced content, were locked behind the hourly reset. Delves will likely follow the same kind of path. I would be okay with them sticking to heroic iLvl.

I like warbands but i did thinknit was going to be something ike youre suggesting. Where 4 or 5 of my toons compete to achieve something

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A few years from now, 5-10 at worst, you probably won’t even be able to tell if you are dealing with an AI in a dungeon.

The AIs will get so complex that it even knows what kind of experience you want to have… and then provides it.

Do you like to be a jerk in dungeons? The AI will know that and purposefully give you “players” (that you think are people) that screw up mechanics… then handle the responses as you chew them out.

Do you enjoy being social and chatty in dungeons? It will handle that too. It might even go so far as to provide engineered social media pages, in case you want to “make a friend”.

I was hoping for this sort of implementation. Adventuring with a group of your alts would be super fun, like Squadrons in FF14. I think there’s a lot that can be done with it, maybe even a combo of that and mission tables.

Or I imagine a series of dungeons you can run through the caverns of time or something done with the bronze dragons where you can run these scenario dungeons with WoW heroes taking party roles, like Illidan as your tank or Malfurion as your healer.

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It has often been said that the casual playerbase generates more income than the M+ & Raiding player subs do.
If you have proof otherwise im eager to see it.
Everyone should matter, but for a corporation, its financial triage, “who do we spend money on in order to make money back?”

So no I don’t have proof, but neither do you.

However I do have raider io and wow logs which support that a large portion of the player bases is built around raiding and mythics.

There are no graphs or details showing how often someone with limited time plays or not.

So again all my supporting information is readily findable on the internet.

It has been said if an unverifiable argument. Blizzard is the only one who knows the specifics. I am sure they know the numbers and threw the casuals a bone because they knew raiders would be happy with just raiding content and mythics

Also if your point of view was true, player housing would have been implemented a long time ago

Assuming that the powers-who-be in Blizzard listen to and act upon every request ever made, a lot of things would be different.

Imagine if the AI companion used actual AI so you could talk to it and it would talk to you in-character. That would be interesting, although I don’t think LLM’s are in a place to do that in a AAA-game quality setting just yet.