Delves being “too rewarding” is not a problem created by delve players

Difficulty should correlate with gear rewards, as it always has.

I have binds, but that doesn’t matter. It they are expected then the devs should incorporate them.

Reading and delve only players clutching their pearls is clearly the issue.

They are incorporated. Have you never opened the macro window?

That not completely true. At launch, doing Delves grouped was freakishly easier than doing them solo due to broken scaling. And not surprisingly, almost everyone complaining about how easy they were back then were doing them in a group.

Blizzard did a lot difficulty tuning upwards for groups, making them harder. The nerfs for solo play were pretty minor… and I believe there were even a few things tuned up.

Basically, there were a lot of variables and it was not just nerfs.

Disagree, time player should decide what gear you have. Grinding.

They are incorporated.

The default bindings for the main action bar are

1-0 on the keyboard.

That wasn’t what I was responding to. Please go back and reread and make a better response.

Essentially your argument is make mythic 7s - mythic 1s and make mythic 10s mythic 3s.

But then again what does a delve player need champion or hero gear for.

Essentially you could just make delves drop explorer gear or adventure gear then you would never have this cross over…

I’m sure you would complain if they did that but the truth is if you make out said gear there is not anything in the game you couldn’t do. The pinnicale for players like you is delves so that gear should only allow you to stomp open world content, heroic dungeon content, and lfr. Mythic plus / mythic raid is the pinnacle for the top players so they should be able to stomp everything below.

For a w

lol only bad players think this way and it’s never been the case.

Blizz has always awarded harder content with better gear.

What you want me to believe you guys actually care about the reward balance of content below the content you are doing because of “the health of the game” rather than your e-peen? Nah, I don’t buy that.



I made it through T8s week one. It was not easy. It was brutally overturned solo.

If you’re talking about group delves, get outta here with that garbage. The two are different games entirely.

I feel like y’all are comparing M+ vs group Delves. Which is 100 % wrong.

Are T8s brain dead easy in a group? Yes. The scaling is and always will be wrong. I can still get one shot in a T8 if I screw up solo, in a group, Im immortal.

Compare apples to apples. Solo T8s vs whatever M+ drops here track in the vault? I think it’s 3-4?

Solo T8 is equal to like a M+ 3-4 gear wise. Thats fair.

I’d argue that given the target audience, M+ is significantly easier.

Delves are for solo players.
M+ is for organized groups.

A M4 in a competent group, is leagues easier than a solo T8.

Solution is don’t pug M+ without a group. Or just delete M+, y’all whine harder than anyone on the game if anyone gets gear close to yours.

My Delve trinkets are so good, I know you’re jealous.


Yes, god forbid there are multiple ways of legit gearing towards raiding without having to edure the bs barriers that come with m+.

God forbid, how will we ever live?


I was doing them solo, and it was incredibly easy at launch as well. Harder, because at least some of the avoidable damage wasn’t yet nerfed and the Zekvir minions still replaced a group there, but still wouldn’t call them hard. Then, they took out the Zekvir minions in T8, nerfed avoidable damage, and nerfed unavoidable damage and put delves firmly into trivial territory.

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I was referring to addon for that part. Macros are fine, but they are also a work around for lack of design. Who care if people have 65 moves just macro another key. It’s absurd and redundant. Shaman don’t need 3 stuns.

Only easier to do a +4 if you’re being hard carried. The content is harder and requires better play and throughput than a T8.

No offense but that’s a pebcak issue.

Bran was actually bugged first week and made it even easier.

Your feelings are wrong and irrelevant.

T8s are braindead solo and in groups.

And you’d also again be wrong.

You don’t even understand the issues that are being presented.

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Yep. Like I said. Not even understanding the points being made.

No one is talking about delves awarding gear.

The issue being presented is that delves are rewarding too high of a ilvl based ont heir relative lack of difficulty.

Not read that 5 times and welcome to the conversation.

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I don’t care about being bad, it’s a game. I can be the worst player of all time. Bliz Activism still wants my $. So they made AI dungeons and Delves. They got what they wanted. Soon as those are made difficult, I will quit paying them. Period. I don’t pay for stress.