You clearly have no juice to give because you’re just repeating the same points now lol
If they’re ignorable, then they aren’t over-rewarding. It’s as simple as that lmao
Where did I say you were asking for that? I’m saying nerfing gear from delves will undeniably cultivate the same miserable gear progression experience that has plagued this game for years now. No longer will people play delves to gear up, but rather they’ll just boost themselves to do it. Boosting is a garbage way of playing this game, and if there’s a new mode that exists that circumvents that in some capacity, then its existence and subsequently how much gear it distributes is a net positive.
You asking for delves to be nerfed is you asking for people to play the game less lol
if you’re not gonna do anything above delves, then they also don’t need to drop valuable gear
the issue always was that this ‘high level gear’ replaced the passive learning curve of gradually doing ‘challenging’ content to get this kinda ilvl, and it ruins the lower level pug scene immensely
any time somebody complains about “toxicity” chances are they don’t deserve to be in that content
the key squish didn’t go far enough, normal and heroic need to be far harder (which they allegedly already raised) to fluently lead into these difficulties, the other fault is the lack of a proper new player experience teaching you tools, mechanic basics and making you value overcoming problems
But this isn’t something delves cause. This game is notorious for not supporting new players. Wowhead and other third-party sources are effectively a requirement to learn anything in this game.
Kiyoko has repeatedly stated that his preference is that delves are made appropriately difficult to match their rewards, but lowering the ilvl cap is not removing the delve gear track. There is zero need for delve gear to go to a high ilvl so long as the content has a satisfying and well-paced progression curve. Thanks to being solo content and not actually having to interact with any other pillar, the delve ilvl range can exist at a lower band without impacting its role.
Or because that’s the gameplay loop lol? Like the fundamental PvE gameplay loop where you do content, gain power, and then through that increased power are able to do more difficult content. If there is content which short-circuits that pattern the impact is deleterious.
Delves are the outlier.
It is objective reality. Having an ilvl which obviously indicates that you didn’t take your delve shower is rightfully seen as disrespectful. Delves are a fast-pass from 580 to 600+, and as a consequence it’s not realistically possible to engage in the intended M+ progression. I imagine the same is true for raiding but I can’t comment from experience there.
It affects the bottom-end of the other pillars, as well as its own. Delves effectively replaced weeks of progression with week of progression for everyone. This further means that the parts of the game which were intended to provide that part of the progression curve are less active, and it has nothing to do with delve-only players playing or not playing them. Players who move on from delves ASAP are still spending less time in the lower tiers of their own pillar due to the impact of delve gear.
Why would we be making new points? The task at hand is wrangling with your irrational and pigheaded stances. The “ilvl over everything” crowd has not refuted a single one of the points made regarding the issue of delves being overrewarding. You’ve just repeatedly said “nuh uh” and argued with straw men about us wanting bad players to never have better than greens, or being upset that boosting business has dried up, or one of the other absurd conspiracy theories that have been peddled here.
Brother you literally accused me of saying you wanted delves removed when I never said that or even implied it. Maybe sit down with the strawman accusations lol
I’ve had to ask this before in the thread, but is your reading comprehension that bad or do you think people are going to forget what was said in a post like three before you maliciously misquoting it, and which they can literally expand from you quoting it to see the context?
Like c’mon my guy, you can’t complain about me being a big ol’ meany and then immediately prove yet again that I just have an accurate assessment of you. You’re the one actively and aggressively being a moron, not me. I’m not Bruce from Bruce Almighty forcing you to spout gibberish.
If young and impressionable children are allowed to just log in, run delves, have fun and be rewarded think of what that will do to their future expectations and ambition.
How will they ever grow up to be a bitter and sweddy edgelord like me?