Delves being “too rewarding” is not a problem created by delve players

There’s enrage timers in raids. Throughput checks, even if they aren’t especially brutal. There are also far more demanding mechanics. Those are all missing from T8 delves.

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And people are reminding you that you can get hero track drops and vault from the first four bosses on heroic. Which is easier and likely faster than clearing T11s even when you are heroic geared.

You can do the first four bosses blindfolded without ever hitting an interrupt.


Consider, it doesn’t affect you.

Buffing the difficulty is the same thing as nerfing the rewards. You still want to put it out of reach for the average player.


Brother, you can throw all the mechanics you want at me. Heroic raids have been notorious for a long time for being trivialized and only slightly harder versions of normal raids lol

These mechanics exist, but none of them truly matter except on a select number of bosses lol


If everyone does this, you wipe.

Again, I get that there’s a niche community that does content for the contents sake without pursuit of any reward or epeen. But that was not what I or griz was referring to. Griz was asserting that it would basically be fine to nerf delve rewards because plenty of people would do them regardless because of the fun inherent in them. Which is not how 95% of the wow playerbase operates. That’s why I picked it apart.

I’m not here to debate you on the 5% that has zero bearing on the devs decision making processes.

Delves arent rewarding enough


Now you’ve kicked the hornet’s nest Thundah.


Vendors aren’t rewarding enough.

PTR gives you a full set of gear.

What gives, Blizzard?

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AOTC raiders have had their gear progression trivialized for years now. Delves didn’t do anything that M+ wasn’t already doing lmao


You are not wrong.

Let’s be real here. If M+ isn’t the best end-all-be-all way of gearing up, they aren’t happy. We went through this when Blizz decided to bring tier gear back into raids so that raiding would actually have something to incentivise clearing more than once for the achievement. M+ players didn’t like feeling like they had to do raids, so Blizz let tier appear in the M+ vault too. Now raiders only have trinkets left.

Now delves are “too rewarding” despite not even being able to get Gilded crests from them and M+ players are unhappy again. It’s always M+…


Should be called World of M+ at this point. The main character energy is suffocating.


Someone will be along to tell you that 3 gilded crests in a week (if you were lucky) is a perfectly fine rate of acquisition to claim that “you get gilded crests from delves.”


I just got a new Prot Pal to 80 and used undercoin gear to get to 580, then was able to solo every delve at T8. It’s a great gear path for casuals.

M+ 1-6 is in a terrible place, which they have acknowledged, but there is a brick wall that offers no rewards and dramatically increased difficulty. I just decided to pass this whole season M+ and enjoy my solo play. Maybe they can come up with a better plan for season 2.


Right? Even when you actively avoid playing with them, or they themselves are gatekeeping you out of their groups, they STILL have to ruin the game for you.

And they’ll tell you that you’re acting entitled. It’s amazing


I just absolutely cannot stand their “won’t anyone think of the children?” argument. They want to disguise their disdain by saying “health of the game health of the game”.


Yeah, this is pretty much it. I enjoy M+ but how encroaching it has become on the rest of the game is obnoxious. It’s a byproduct of the current industry and community’s approach of “zoom to completion,” but I firmly wish Blizzard would reject it outright and design the game as a sandbox where all activities are viable rather than as a game where we’re subject to the same miserable treadmill each season.


Ah yes they’re all expert game developers too. Forgot that point too :roll_eyes:

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Well, if we are going this route the game hasn’t really been healthy since Cata when subs started declining so should we take everything back to Wrath pre-LFD era? Honestly I actually wouldn’t mind that, but I doubt it is going to happen.

Now Delves and their rewards being “poor game design” is something that despite what you or I think the Devs disagree with. In fact their words were “super happy” about how delves are doing, which likely according to their internal numbers translates to “high engagement” and frankly that is pretty health game design.

Now if there is a problem with early M+ aside from “no one wants to pay for carries below 10 anymore” that is something that could be talked about but that isn’t really a Delves issue that is a M+ is poorly designed issue.