"Delves are useless, too hard, no loot, garbled mess, blah blah"

You also get the undercoin currency which, at certain thresholds of the seasonal journey, allow you to buy keys.

Yeah, pretty small addition, but something to consider when weighing reward/work, I think.

I literally did t8-11 on fury warrior last night and zekvir this morning (Aus time, all within the last ~8 hours). 596 ilvl, as per screenshot.

Fixed. Now they are designed to counter OP groups exploiting the mechanics.

Hey, big shot. I have a Frost DK and its a freaking joke clearing delves as melee. You would not be making such stupid, ignorant remarks if you actually tried it on a SPriest.

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Those keys seem to be intended more as a badluck protection of sorts. giving you 2 extra chance if you still have not filled your slots by time you get to them. Even then this is 6 keys you can get a week instead of 4. still over 20 bountifuls being useless.

Exploiting what? Have you experienced the mob scaling when in a full group. Some of the trash has more health than Zek.

Are you claiming its impossible to do it as a spriest?

Cuz I know its not

You could always run them to level up Bran. Thats what I been doing.

I love delves and how challenging they are.

Yeah, Blizz has been going all-in with their hotfixes and I wonder if they’re rushing to “get them fixed” before M+ opens up n Tuesday.

I didn’t play beta but there are definitely elements here that feel like it wasn’t tested well. Though, I know there’s lots of unintended interactions when something goes live.

I dig delves a bunch but I’m fortunate that my main - and only class I really play - is Prot/ret Paladin. Which has such an expansive kit that I can tweak to really fit most puzzles inside these things.

What kind of content were “casuals” expecting, and what kind of rewards were they expecting for doing it? From the beginning, I can’t imagine any reasonable person was expecting a casual cakewalk that offered heroic-raiding levels of gear. As I understood it, this was a means for solo players to progress if they wanted, not for casuals to outgear tryhards without trying hard.


Yeah, I can see that. Almost like bonus rolls from loot drops in expansions past?

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100% this, and anybody saying different is just ignorant.

Tell me, can a casual in normal dungeon gear enter a delve and at least eventually gear up enough to progress?

The idea that there were going to be super fomo rewards for top achievers came sometime after Ion announced that delves were going to be designed for casuals/solo players. That it was going to be THE content end pillar for them. If you’re saying they are strictly designed for elite solo players who like to think of themselves as casuals, that’s a much smaller group, and most players who consider themselves casuals are not in that group.

But then, we were told prior to DF that the new crafting system was going to be THE end pillar for casuals, that 100% of casuals would be min maxing their professions. How’d that work out?

As time goes on my sympathy well for scaling issues is quickly running dry. It’s becoming more clear with each passing day that most of the people complaining were expecting an easy, no-effort path to high level gear for playing by themselves


Death knights would be enjoying them. Literally the easiest class to do them on.

I like that I can finally get some decent gear and have a challenge. Also playing at my own pace is so nice. Last night I was doing that Waxhead punk in Waterworks and he killed me twice, so I got some water, let my dog out, came back and showed him what’s up. A five man group that would be impossible. Also I can explore every nook and find everything.

I just wish they had fewer kick/interrupt requirements, which gets a bit tiring.


blah blah blah, I assume your another one of those streamer bait sippers huh. One streamer rips on death knights and the toxics come drooling like the zombies they are.

So now you got called on your stupid statement and want to deal in extremes like a good little Marxist. No one said it was “impossible” but for you to post on a DK which is a cake walk for delves, and then say:

You are then insinuating that because you can do it on a freaking melee class, then every class and spec should be able to or “work on yourselves” is stupid, ignorant and self serving. You have literally no basis for context but feel fine making sweeping statements like that. Post on your 80 SPriest right now or shut up. I for one can and will post on my DK to prove i at least have context.

I’ve done tier 8s on multiple classes. The thing is, there is a huge difference in balance.

Death knights, paladins and monks all have an easy time.

Priests and boomkin do not. The damage just isn’t there. Or the same level of ez strong self heals.

Death knight is legit the easiest class to do them on.

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Literally every spec has cleared them, so its possible

Stop crying over a boogie man you made up yourself

Cool, never commented on class/spec difficulty, just said it was possible