Delves are still broken

Went in with another person, got hit for 2 million per hit, insta died. So did they. Don’t know what to do about it anymore. Just going to give up on it. Thats the only option. Feels really bad that the rules/game was changed mid week so that the ones who were early birds got theirs and now there is this wall.

And before you start, yes interrupts were used. Cooldowns were used. The toolkit available to me was used. And I died within around 4 seconds. 2 million per hit when my health is right at 4 mil.


TBH delves feel fine now, I will admit I was complaining yesterday, although delves were super rough yesterday due to the hotfix botch they did. Yet today they feel very reasonable to do, in that they still are challenging to do, but don’t feel unfair or unfun.

It really depends on the class you play. They’re a total joke for me as a Blood DK even still.


Guys, what the hell happened to Delves in WoW? It’s a total mess now!

Look, here’s the deal:

  • Two days ago, Delves were fun. Now? It’s like hitting a brick wall.
  • Mobs are one-shotting us with 1.5 million damage. Who thought that was okay?
  • The gear situation is a joke. You need Tier 8 gear to do Tier 8 Delves… which drop Tier 8 gear. Make it make sense!
  • The risk isn’t worth the reward anymore. Why even bother?

Seriously, who woke up and decided to ruin everyone’s good time? And more importantly, when are they gonna fix this trainwreck?

It’s killing the game for a lot of us. We need answers, and we need fixes. Like, yesterday.

Anyone else feeling this? Or am I just going crazy here?


Yeah that seems to be the other key to delves, some classes struggle really hard with them, others breeze through them.


I mean they essentially drop normal raid level gear, so they’re tuned around you clearing part of or all of the normal raid this week, and maybe part of heroic too.

not the point… the point is its a trainwreck i did not buy a game to beta test for them.


Get better gear.

Learn to play.

Delves are fine, people are just going into them undergeared and playing poorly. You already know this though. I told you in the other thread how to fix the problem and you got upset.

Better gear is not going to save you from these poorly design damage.


I agree :confused:

try delves as an affliction warlock. it’s a nightmare

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Try it.

Then try the learn to play advice. I’ll bet you can clear them if you do those things I suggested :blush:

I’m near recommended item level. 5 item level not going to make it.

Already tried. Don’t need your advice. You are wrong. Thank you :slight_smile:


Yes you do.

I solo’s three 8’s today. You can’t do it.

It seems that you should try what I’m telling you.

You act like soloing level 8s is hard for certain classes? I am a ret paladin. I can easily solo level 8s.

I’m talking about for duos, doing 8s with friends and husband.

Your advice is not really wanted when the scaling is broken when you add just one extra person that item level won’t matter with.

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If 1.5 million kills you, try using better gear.

No you didn’t. Captain contrarian, you aren’t even playing TWW.


I did.

I am.

Any other stupid posts you’d like me to clear up?

Whatever you say, liar.


Go back to playing with your crayons or failing delves or whatever it was you were doing before you interjected yourself with absolutely zero value here.