Delves are still broken

Whatever you say captain hypocrite.


My pal plays an affliction warlock and they’ve cleared very high because pet classes = cheese.

can we at least agree that the weekly boss that claims “ilvl 600” is absolutely overtuned?

Yes, YMMV with delves based on class and spec. I believe there is a massive melee tax in delves because you have to directly tank, which is clearly harder for DPS melee.

Brann used to hold aggro, now they don’t.

Tank specs are so ridiculously slow but they can muddle through everything and self-sustain.

Healers? Oops I guess this isn’t meant for all specs to be able to do solo in a sane amount of time.


delves are fine as a pres evoker.

To be blunt their far from perfect, even as a ret its a bit of a struggle for me, it seems like the best way to do them currently though if you are a class or spec that struggles with them is in a group.

Are you sun spec?

I found it very easy with it, as our sustain and heals + aoe damage can really carry.

I’m sun, like I don’t struggle hard the bulk of the run, its just some mobs or packs have a lot of casts that can make things a little sketchy is all. I’ve be able to successfully solo all my runs today so yeah :stuck_out_tongue:

ah! ya it all depends on place. Watching my husband try as a fury warrior has made me come to love ret paladin more lol.

Yeah, I just died in earthcrawl for the first time today, but it was because I was on the final part of the gauntlet and was tapped on CD’s, so I went down due to that. Still doesn’t feel nearly as bad as compared to yesterday, IDK if it will ever be as bad as that again TBH…

last i checked though pets didnt do most of the damage for affliction? and dont they use felhunters?

Something something early, something something often.


i did my 4 t8 bountifuls solo today. wasnt bad at all.

i think its better to go solo now

Yeah this is pretty much the sad mantra we have to follow with blizzard. They just don’t seem to test things enough anymore and leads to situations like this to where people that were able to leap into delves early got easier rewards than the ones that didn’t.


and that sucks as this is the perfect content design for couples :frowning:

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Yep. My main and alt are both 600+ now thanks to how the delves were. With 616 items waiting for me in the vault upon reset.

For the sake of my alts and my time I main 4 toons. I geared up my solo toons first Bdk and BM hunter. Now I have my other two toons chill at the entrance while I run through these things soloing a two man. It’s doubles their HP from solo but I manage. I fail sometimes, not often but the those crazy 2mil range web things are still getting me on my hunter lol. If I can solo a 2 man clearly it’s perfectly capable of being done with 2 active players, yes? I tried running a 4-5 man group and it was just bonkers. Bosses had like 500mil HP. It was just dumb :joy:

It seems like they just got fixed then again, they’re pretty easy solo. I’m shadow btw.

Idk what to say like I just got the tier 8 or higher solo no death achievement. Skill issue?