Delves are fantastic and I like the new opportunities to get geared

iLvl 575 resto shammy. Completed six t8 delves for five pieces of 603 gear (one repeat drop for a slot). AMAZING. It was difficult and worth it. I love the loot pool! I got Fungal Friend Flute to drop. It’s so fun. I had to learn how to make it work. I feel like I need to repeat that in caps. I HAD TO LEARN HOW TO MAKE IT WORK. I am going to now do two more for that extra vault slot. For 616 gear. This is the EASIEST gear has ever been. So much so that the face-check into M0 kinda makes sense to me. Along with the 580 from heroics and gear being far easier to upgrade this expansion. This char is just now reaching 24 hour play time. I play a couple hours a night. And I am ready for m+ challenges. Love it! I also have a Holy Priest. The gearing QoL given to players this expansion is a big improvement.

I will be pushing T9, T10, and T11. For fun. iLvl 587 now. resto sham. I suck. I should change specs or spec more into damage (I only use Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning), or take Earth Elemental. Geez I finally started using hex and Earthbind Totem. Point is. This is fantastic. I logged in just to post this due to all the delve hate. You all can do it. It is not going to be “fair” across all classes; as a healer… yes this sucks. But the rewards are worth.

As a POE player, I appreciate the the little challenges of each delve too. It is a big step in the right direction. Now let me receive your hate. And after I do, please go get yourself that 603 iLvl and 616 iLvl gear. It’s too good to pass up.

EDIT: Forget to mention. Any other classic players out there? Delves feel like the old days when you’re trying to push your char into an area that you shouldnt be. I’ve been strangely enjoying it.


POE Player here too, eager for POE 2, fearful it might just be isometric dark souls though.

yea yea I know its not the main topic but you brought it up okay.

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About that. Yeah. At times Buff Brann was carrying. Cloth casters are going to be hardest hit by this ‘nerfed Brann’ (oh but added a minor-buff post-major-nerf)