Delvers won't likely get past Hero track gear

…sounds like Delvers aren’t likely to get above hero track gear for the forseeable future. What does everyone think?

I see WoW evolving, bit by bit, into a cantrip / special-effect gear and trinket driven meta. I think as long as Blizzard puts interesting gear into Delves (like the candle trinket), people will still do them.

It’s a bit self-serving for me too because I still do Heroic raid for a chance each week at the unique and rare cantrip pieces. If Delves dropped mythic gear and had some really powerful items to chase, I would likely abandon heroic raiding altogether.


All my gear comes from the PvP vendor.


They should start charging you each time you bring up PvP.


Wouldn’t deter me.


Clearly the only solution is to delete gear.


delve great vault should offer myth track for completing 11s


I think that is ok. Long as they don’t cap 8 with champion because that would be awful.


IMHO they should go all the way through and let Delves drop top ilvl gear with the appropriate challenge.

The way I see it, the easiest solution to the problem that “players are graduating Delves and joining M+ at +7 and +7 isn’t a good starting point for M+” is to do away with the idea that Delve players should “graduate Delves” and move on to M+.

If you want to play solo, play Delves. If you want to play with small groups, play M+. If you want to play with big groups, play Raids. Everybody gets content, no one is left behind.


I think the general consensus is that hero is a good spot for them.
It makes them rewarding and a solid end game pillar.
But its low enough to not step on raider/m+ players toes.

No changes required.
Delves are right where they should be.


I’m not sweating it, if I ever decide to pursue Myth track I’ll hop over into M+ assuming I ever develop the taste for it.

But yeah WoW is evolving, I’m happy they’re designing something to satisfy as many people as possible.


Players want to be able to make their characters more powerful (progression). Even if that progression is very slow.

Normally by the halfway point in a season some players have characters that are fully geared up as much as they want to gear them up to be satisfied with that progress, and then the players stop playing those characters entirely and log out until the next season or maybe play an alt.

That’s why very rare drop chase items are nice to have. They give those players a reason to continue playing. Perhaps a hunter would continue to hope that Sylvannas legendary bow drops for them for example.

But if a particular chase item is overpowered (looking at you, Draught of Souls or Arcanocrystal) then I would say maybe start by buffing the other items that belong to the same slot to be more powerful to give players many compelling choices for that slot rather than nerf the item that the players are having fun with. Towards the end of a season I feel it’s fine to be a bit ‘overpowered’. If you are a player in great gear, you’ve earned it, and you should be able to enjoy it for a while before it becomes irrelevant again.


Announcing Delves as the solo endgame equivalent to raiding and m+. People are afraid of their pixels and complain that others can now get good gear too. Blizzard turns Delves into another World Quest no reward thing.

I would say a typical Blizzard move, they always promise big, but deliver flat.



A what now?

I think he was referring to the D&D definition:

“A cantrip is a spell that can be cast at will, without using a spell slot and without being prepared in advance.”

Basically, gear that does stuff.

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no the content difficulty wouldnt match the gear.


this fact is negated by the fact we can buy mythic BOE on AH


and where is that gear dropped from?


You can? What gear? What ilvl?

boe’s and under the collection of the set, some items show world drop as a way to collect which means its a boe from the raid

the warrior helm is a boe for example


boe from mythic raid… weird its almost like mythic raid is the proper place for mythic gear to drop.