Dude this is a life changer - wasn’t aware that this would let me breathe underwater!
OMW to stock up.
I haven’t noticed it on my shaman, so yeah, but i never missed it. In cata we needed it a bit, but there were options.
My main is a Demo Lock and I at your comment. So true!!!
Doing them on my lock alt and Brann is yelling to watch my breath and use the air bubbles. I want my lock to yell back him, Dude I am a warlock. You want a water breathing spell too?
They will nerf this. They can grief you, but you will not grief them.
Actually when I play on my lock I always give Brann the same water breathing buff, just for grins and giggles mostly. And my warlock pet too.
i would not be surprise if they do nerf it
the speed set and food got nerfed
is the best option. Worth the time to farm up the rep. I think they buffed rep gains since this was current content as well. You will literally never have to worry about drowning again EVER once you get it though.
It pays to be a Kul Tiran.
I don’t know if someone said it already because I’m not scrolling through all the replies, but:
You don’t even have to fish, just have learned fishing. Equip it in your profession window. You now have infinite water breathing.
Unending Breath has sat on my Warlocks action bars collecting dust for over a decade.
I was so happy to finally have a genuinely practical reason to press it.
You make the 4th person.
I didn’t know about it though, neat tip for when I get to playing this Hunter.
Just race swap Forsaken bro, who needs to breath.
Also, you can get Deep Diving helms from Engineers which are great. Also, if you are exalted with the Kalu’ak in Northrend, you can go get the Mastercraft Kalu’ak Fishing Pole and equip it into your fishing profession tool slot for permanent underwater breathing. Additionally, Alchemists can make Elixir of Water Breathing which has a 30 minute buff and takes almost nothing in mats to make.
I’m actually doing the rep on my (second) hunter right now. Have about ~10 days of dailies left to do. You can get roughly 4k beyond revered with them if you do all of the available quests and chains involving them. And then it’s 1500 rep per day after that.
I had the rep done on my paladin when WotLK was current content, and with the way professions work now with permanent equipped stuff, I’ve completely forgotten that my paladin couldn’t just breathe under water natively. Haha.
If more gear looked better on them, aside from Rogue and Warlock, and I could play a Paladin…
Sounds like a bad word
This is much easier than all the crap I’ve been going through to make breathing potions. lol
Careful folks. This is specifically the stuff I got hooked on and moved to horde. I hated the sight of myself unless I was undead. I carried a pack full of it, like a hunters arrows, so I wasn’t not undead.
here I am now, like too many years later. Still undead at heart. Sometimes you just know your love.