Lmao my point is delves are easy.
Youve got people doing 11s as low as 570 ilvl
Delve 11s = maybe m+2s
Lmao my point is delves are easy.
Youve got people doing 11s as low as 570 ilvl
Delve 11s = maybe m+2s
a full mythic transmog by the end of the season is a reward for t11
Undercoins I know but EXP I’m not sure, I got 31k from a T11 when I’m sure I’ve gotten similar amount in lower tiers so there might be a breakpoint.
There’s also Valorstones that is affected, clearing a T11 Sidestreet Sluice gave me 75 of them.
Same here.
You can get up to 31 a week.
thats worth 2 mythic transmog upgrades
Sadly I don’t like the tier sets of any of the classes I play (Druid, Priest, Warlock) But I guess there’s value in upgrading those Monk off-tier appearances for the recolors.
Appearance-wise? I love the Priest set lol, can’t speak for the other two.
This is hilariously wrong.
yep no one does delves but M+ pushers
casuals dont exist in their world who actually enjoy the delve content
Dat hat tho…lol
If you laugh at me when you see me posting here with that tier mog equipped… me and you are gonna have some words.
I won’t I won’t…
A lot won’t be. Delves are as end game as I want to get. I won’t be stepping foot in Mythic+ at all.
Same. I thought about trying to get back into raiding with a guild but I don’t want to be tied to a schedule and I don’t want to mostly be tied to one class.
Same, best I’ll settle for is M0
Took 3 xpacs for me to accept raiding guilds weren’t for me. I don’t mind being tied to one class but logging on when you want to do something other than raiding when it’s time for the guild to raid sucks. Progging with the guild is boring, I don’t like my success being dependent on Timmy getting the dance right with the rest of the group or otherwise it’s a wipe.
Progging Zekvir and The Underpin has been wonderful, I just need to deal with Brann.
What someone is capable of doing and what they are willing to do are different things.
I’ve been soloing t11s on multiple characters since week 1 and I have no intention of touching m+. I don’t enjoy it and the rewards aren’t good enough to compel me to do something I don’t enjoy.
It takes a mininun of 4 months of slogging through m+10s and extremely good rng to hit 678. With the amount of time and effort it would take to do that on a single character I can craft my alt army to 671, with minimal rng. Those last 7 ilvls aren’t even close to being worth the hassle.
So much this! I can’t like this enough.
This is 100% true…
You want to run three 11s for the Gilded, and one of the three should be with a map for even more Gilded.
At this point, if you truely want best of the best, do another five 11s for max Runic Crests… but that’s the only benefit between an 8 and an 11, is more Runic Quests.
A happy compromise is the three aforementioned 11s and then run five 8s for sanity’s sake… but if you’re obsessed with min-maxing, then yes, do eight 11s.
Personally, I do three 11s (including one with a map) and five 8s. I’m not that crazy for runic crests.
Would that make the weekly vault 3rd slot a 649?
Yes. The vault doesn’t change from t8-t11.
I usually run three t11s and five t10s but I’ll do t8s if I’m crunched for time. I can always catch up on runed crests later in the season. It’ll be faster later because I’ll be better geared.
Dang, I think I ran a bunch of 11’s when I didn’t have too. Oh well. Hopefully that’s some kind of achievement or something.