Delve rewards - Tier 8 versus Tier 11

I couldn’t find a precise answer to this, but besides the x3 weekly Gilded Crests by the end of a T11 run… there’s any other reason, as far as rewards are concerned, to go through them instead of a T8?

I’m thinking bountiful coffers’ reward ilvl won’t matter in either one, but maybe there’s something else, like more Brann experience or a higher chance on other random stuff?

Also, just about a confirmation, but the Delve Maps are now only 1 per week, regardless of how you get them, through RNG or summoning Underpin?

Nope except when you have the map do it with a T11 for it will net you extra gilded

And yes per toon


Oh thanks! I didn’t realize this specific one.

None. At max do 3 week if you are looking for rewards. Except for the map if you get one in your third 11.


I think T11 gives more runed undermine crests than T8, but that’s about it.

Use the map on a T11 though; it gives you 10 gilded crests so 3 bountiful delves + map gives you the max 31 gilded crests every week.


Ah, if that’s true then there’s some merit to it, as eventually you’d be able to convert those into Gilded.

If we’re talking about strictly gear upgrades, a Tier 8 delve and a Tier 11 delve reward the same ilvl gear.

This is true.

Outside of Gilded at T11s, Runed comes in better quantity compared to a T8 if you care about capping it out.

That is also correct, especially when the crest cap is removed.


I haven’t paid attention but you might get more undercoin and exp. I think the little gold piles are bigger on higher tiers.

You definitely get more runed crests (up to 11 for t11). This will be a very efficient farm for crest conversion later in the season when crests are uncapped.

The map limit is regardless of source.

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Better Brann xp if youre looking to level him up quicker

Yeh but you are all forgetting though, if someone is able to just pop over and do a couple of T11, almost certainly solo, they are also almost certainly farming M7 anyway and don’t need delves for anything other than 3 bad luck slots in vault.

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And you would be wrong in that assumption. I can do T11 solo and I’m not touching M+ this season.


My 615 healer is definitely not pumping out m7s lol

Some people just farm Gilded crests outside of M+ to get mythic appearances… Source: me on Season 1, since I was mostly engaged just in rated PVP then.

So knowing that a T11 gives more runed crests, or that using a map on T11 is more effective, makes a lot of sense.

And is your 615 healer even doing T11?

Yes’m. The only toon to touch delves because i wanted to test the Tank Brann out

Yeh no wonder they nerfed tank Brann and why so many are begging for it to be put back, you are (were) basically a tourist in T11.

As mentioned, T11s give more Undercoin, bigger Nemesis boxes due to more Nemesis spawns, and a larger amount of Runed crests. You also get the weekly Gilded bonus three times a week.

Outside of that, ILvl drops are identical to T8, so if gear is your goal then T8 is the max reward in regards to that.

Anyway, Delves are my primary source of Gilded. I have zero interest in running M+, so I get my 28 Gilded from Delves a week, and then the rest from Runed conversion once I get that unlocked which may happen this next week. Should be more than enough for my needs.


Check my achieves. Post nerf, pre-rebuff

So you are still a tourist, what’s your point?