I can’t progress the main campaign because of this issue. Already reloaded, relogged and restarted the game entirely. Brann’s window is just empty.
My friends are experiencing this same bug. Brann has no combat roles to select as the window is empty. Game restarts and quest restarts have not helped.
These are freshly installed WoW players who just used their 70 boost on their first characters and have no addons installed.
GAME BREAKING, posting for clarity on their behalf
completed this quest w/ no problem earlier this week and now I’m stuck in the same place as you now with a new toon /:
I’m having this same exact issue. Just picked up WoW again after a break for years. Leveled all the way to 71 and now I can’t continue the campaign due to some bug apparently. I have done everything you have as well, reloaded, relogged and restarted game. I’ll restart my PC next to see if that fixes the issue but I highly doubt it.
Cross-Referencing game breaking bug
I am experiencing the same issue. Returning player to retail after a few years, bought the xpac today and boosted a character to lvl 70.
I’ve completed the delve, and the only thing left on the quest to be able to complete it is to “Select a Combat Role for Brann Bronzebeard”.
I’m having the same issue as well
Same issue for me
Purchased the expac today. Boosted a hunter, and now I’m stuck here also. Nothing to select on the combat roll. Everything is empty or missing.
I am stuck on this quest too. His window where you would choose his role is completely empty. Frustrating because it holds up the main campaign.
Also got stuck here, finished the delve but the quest is still asking to select a role.
Same problem here, just came back to retail after a long break, got a character to 70 yesterday, Brann’s window and all abilities are blank with no icons. Campaign broken to proceed. Seems bad?
e; to add detail, couldn’t choose a role before the delve, in the delve, after the delve, redoing the delve, restarting the quest, restarting the game.
same issue, please fix
Same. I was able to do this on my warrior but when I tried on my shammy it’s just blank… I guess I’ll just level an alt in the meantime while I wait for blizzard to fix it );
same bug here, completed the delve multiple times, still bugged
Same issue for me, can’t progress further into the campaign because of it.
+1 on this issue. Can’t progress the campaign until you select a role which is broken.
Same here… so annoying.
Broken for me too
So frustrated - I am trying to come back to the game after years away. I liked the 40 percent off sale enticememtthat started today. Im not coming back if you have game breaking bugs like this. Plz fix immediately!!!