Bran not using any abilities; will not heal

Bran will not use any abilities in Delves; will not heal, dispense ground pick up potions.


Can second this, he’s not using any abilities on any role.


Third this. Doing one of the new Delves and bran is not using spec abilities.


Can confirm this behavior happening as well, no healing potions from Brann. Wanted to get Zekvir ?? before season 2 starts and that won’t happen w/o Brann working.


Same issue. Did a new delve brann does nothing has no abilities

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same issue here,

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same for me also

I’ve replied to several other threads about this

maybe we need a mega-thread for everyone to post in so we get more eyes on it?

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Were they planning to bring another delve companion for the second season, and Brann’s fallen into the gap between seasons?

Just experienced it myself. I was excited to try out the new tank role for him, too.

Happened to me on 2 out of three characters so far. Worked on Warlock not mage or DK

launcher says maintenance tomorrow so maybe they fixing Brann for us

among other things…


I’ll wait to log back in until after it’s over,well and check the forums of course.

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I’m experiencing the exact same issue trying to run Brann as a Tank.

Assuming it’s the same for the other roles.

I can also confirm this.
Bran is not healing which for the new MM spec NO PET is 100% necessary!

So I changed to Tank and he did not do that role either.

Also, the Dread Pit new Egg variant is absolute garbage!

Branns abilities are locked (greyed out) in his ability panel, so it is not that he won’t use them per say he has no abilities to use at the moment. A very odd oversight since the next season does not start for another week, let us use Brann correctly. :slight_smile:

WELL, This sucks. can’t do delves because he straight up won’t use abilities.

Also whoever was the absolute braindead developer who thought of the web spreaders…

they keep spawning and dropping webs ONTOP OF THE RESTARATION STONES!!! spawning after a death, only to be immediately facesmashed by web based spawns is the epitome of bad programming.

I have a bad feeling about 11.1

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Adding that this is happening to me as well. All of Brann’s abilities are grayed out and he does nothing but auto-attacks.

This sounds like an issue that wasn’t initially present after launch last night. I did Sidestreet Sluice on T8 and Brann used all of his abilities without issue for me. Feels like a hotfix might have broken him.

Same here, my Brann has all of his abilities grayed out and is basically useless in the delves now… WHY!!!

Doing T8 Excavation Site 9 and Brann is useless… He is slow and stands around doing nothing … No healing pots, nothing
Can cofirm todays maintenance DID NOT HELP Brann’s uselessness…

EDIT: Shaarnn(Above) is my toon… Just wanted to say none of the combat or utility curios are working either. :frowning: ALSO, Repair at entrance does not work…it just says “That object is busy” but no repairs are made…