Delusional SV hunters

Your average Survival hunter player, folks.


Actually Toxiktraktor is worse than average if you could believe it.

If you think his WoW takes are bad you should see is real life takes.


MM are disappointed and Ranged Survival hunters are disappointed … can you take what made Ranged survival good and merge it with MM id might actually play it if it was like a crazy fun aoe and dots spec with decent single target.

lol took a break, come back, and its the same ol people with the same old argument.

Welp it drops today, and I will be one of those delusional SV Hunters playing and enjoying the game. I’ll drop in the forums from time to time to get a good laugh. What truly find funny are the people claiming they will not play DF, classic is so great, but yet here they are complaining, talking about the same tired trope rolling into 8 years. WOW! talk about commitment!


Eh I kind of treat the whole thing of “MSV sucks, make it SV ranged again” as kind some kind of strange entertainment. Like the complaints to make MSV ranged again have gone on since Legion and Blizzard has yet to budge or give any indication that MSV is/was a mistake (at least I have not see any blue post where blizzard openly admits that MSV is/was a mistake).

So if SV stays melee until WoW eventually dies, are you going to have people complaining about making MSV ranged again in spite of sv not being ranged for X number of years or are people just going to accept that Blizzard’s vision for SV is melee and go on with their day?

To me that is entertaining, to see the same complaints made since Legion and still, STILL blizzard has not budged. So who will bend first the players complaining about SV still being melee or blizzard saying that MSV was a mistake? Either way it is a good laugh for me.

That being said I would not protest to bring back RSV as a 4th hunter spec. I don’t realistically see that happening but I would be fine if blizzard took that route.

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I don’t understand why we need to shove another spec into MM. Survival as it is now with the options that are give in their tree could give SV a range option.

A few tweaks to abilities and it could be a melee or range optional spec. Take out Mongoose Bite spamming and have Explosive Shot be its big spender. Than just have the rotation rely on maintaining DoTs.

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Call me crazy but we shouldn’t stop calling out obvious mistakes on Blizzard’s part because it’s their “vision”. That’s the same cop-out excuse every hack developer uses to dodge criticism. In Blizzard’s ideal world every one of their decisions would be final. All the time they do nonsense like the Shadowlands covenant debacle and declare that because it’s their final decision no one can say anything. If everyone went along with that eventually everything in WoW would be a fully-intended and unchangeable vision. That’s not healthy for the game.

As for SV: it’s not like it’s coasting along fine despite its criticism. It’s been in varying states of bad-to-worse since becoming melee, so what’s really a “good laugh” is Blizzard continuing to sink thousands of hours of time and effort into what was obviously not a good idea to begin with just because they’re too proud to admit a mistake.

On that note they did rework it in BFA to be a lot more ranged so evidently at some level they understand that they can’t ignore the ranged nature of the class when designing Survival even if they keep it melee, so evidently the pressure does amount to something. I doubt they will ever make it purely ranged again but no one ever thought they would make it melee before they announced it and that was an even less likely scenario. All it takes to get the ball rolling is a change in developers and priorities.

It’s almost as if people are fans of WoW and want retail class design to be better.

Also it looks like you took a break for a grand total of 2 weeks. Are you surprised that a debate that’s been going for so many years didn’t suddenly end in the 14 days you were gone?


We all know you hate when people challenge you. You hate it more when people enjoy what you hate.

You are the ideal Twitter user. Overly emotional and base everything off of how you feel, rather than reality so


because people dont want to play current SV as range they want to play the SV from MoP. all you have to do is swap aimed shot with explosive and black arrow + proc with rapid fire and its done.

Dude lets be real, i’ve been unsubed for 1+ year of shadowland and bfa during their life cycles, you’ve complained about msv absolutely nonstop for at least 5 years. (some other L posters like dawnspirit do the same dont worry youre not that special)

And its not even just the hunter forums, i’ve seen your crying on random twitter post aswell. Do you also cry on reddit? What about youtube? Your entire persona and online identity is being a MSV hater. Its quite sad.


The arguments have been about getting range Survival from melee Survival, and that an option. However, if MM will do then it is another possibility.

Remember when you lied about ranged SV’s popularity?


No i dont remember lying, all i remember from that thread is you dodging my last question.


You wanna guess where he stands on the male astrology section? lmfao

I didn’t care for it because you dodged all the details about your lying with some tepid “Never mind all that but why do you keep posting?” take.

You lied about ranged SV’s popularity. You argued at length that it was always an unpopular spec, which is false, just to make melee SV look better. Cop-out response.


RNG belongs in a dumpster fire.

Also he got suspended (and barred from the Creator’s Summit) for cheating and encouraging it didn’t he? Or am I mixing streamers up.

This is the most horrible take in this thread.

In this we’re 100% agreement on.

I am not.

I could but I have a bad habit of having to respond.

After you got called on it.

That has a lot to do with the conversation ongoing.

That’s an assumption.

After you got called on it.

And neither does WCL.

And you’re basing it on the set amount of people who run WCL while they’re raiding.

The same to you.

The same issue with who all is running WCL and if it gets uploaded accurately.

You have this weird fixation on people having more than once character and thinking you can dictate their playtime/preference with it.

… kinda shot yourself in the foot there.

I have my mount and mogs, that’s all I really care about.

You really need to ditch this tunnel vision of thinking people only play 1 character, I haven’t played many random BGs at max level in Sl cause it sucked no matter what class/spec you were cause of them getting rid of scaling so you had major ilvl imbalances, and then Covenant Powers.

You like to beat down and malign those that disagree with you, we get it.

Speaking from experience is not dishonest.

You really don’t know how to function around people do you?

It aligns with data you like.

Or you could have linked it to begin wiht instead of a cropped screenshot and this conversation would have been much shorter.

You haven’t seen Druid’s general tree then, they have to take talents they will never use.

The lack of credibility?

Yeah it sucks they lost a spec they loved, I won’t deny that. But to use that spite to say people who like Melee Survival doesn’t matter/the spec is a waste of time is just lashing out with vitriol.

And again with the rage and bias with you concocting a villain.

You are a very sad goblin.

“We like having ranged options” and “we want to play a ranged/caster class” are veyr much seperate things.

Right, you’re completely ignoring playstyle and aesthetic in favor of DPS, I don’t really consider that a valid talking point.

That’s an assumption you are having, a lot of people who play Survival, like me, play it cause it’s the melee Hunter spec. If we wanted to play Ranged Hunter, we’d play the other two.

Another assumption you are having.

… yeah?

If they add/had added a fourth spec you won’t hear complaints from me.

Then we would have BM Bepples starting argument after argument and then some>

Melee is not niche.

That is an assumption you are running on.

Again falling back on your bogeyman to justify your arguments.

This is easy to thoerycraft without putting nay thought into it, it would definitely take more than one talent and then you would have people who like BM angry that melee surival got shunted into them and ate up their design space just for the sake of people who won’t let Ranged Survival go.

Screwing over everyone else to get what you want is not compromise.

Neither is what you’re suggesting.

Maybe cause it’s not as small as you think?

13 to 12 is not most, it’s half.

Melee with a pet is why I play Survival.

It is, I just wouldn’t care for it to be the main gimmick, which you kinda can though with the current tree iteration to a certai nextent.

This is ridiculous argument.

It is, cause you’re insulting the playstyle, calling the spec a waste of space, insulting and accusing the players of lying and being delusional, so yeah this all wraps around to more insults from you.

Cause it’s been 6 years? Maybe don’t treat people who like Melee Survival as some enemy out to get you.

And is not a valid barometer of anything, least of all history. Wrath and Wrath Classic are two different beasts.

And here we go again with the demonizing of those you don’t like.

I am not one of them and you will never see call for a nerf for a class (even Locks and their tanky health and shields), I’m of the mindset all specs should be buffed to a more even field rather than big nerfs followed by slowly tweaking them back up. Buff Survival. Buff Marksman. Buff Beast Mastery.

Did you tell them to get gud? And just… step behind the MM? We don’t want for gap closers atm.

Again, get gud. We have gap closers and traps.

Are these people supposed to be important, or just the most recent people who have been really whiny and don’t know how to play their class/spec?

Personally I’d be fine with all Hunters being able to tame them all, since at this point it’s more an aesthetic thing than Exotic pets just being “better”. BM still stands out by having 2 pets.

I don’t disagree with you there, they sound like tools.

Yeah, I remember back in BC and Wrath people whining how worthless/overpowered it was… the same as all the other classes/specs.

Again,it sucks you lost a spec you liked, but it’s been 6 years and melee Survival has people who play it and like it since then.

points to the amount of communication and updates via the Hunter lead during the lead up to DF

Outlaw is nothing I want Survival to be.

I do, I prefer Sub.


The statistics of class and spec representation, the history, have been linked dozens upon dozens of times in various topics. Yet you come here, engaging in these discussions where you make claims of what said representation looks/looked like, and your basis for said claims is nothing but anecdotal observations from your time playing the game?


And again this is assuming everyone has encyclopedic knowledge of it at all times.

1 thread.

Yeah, I play the game, rather than just theorycraft or rely on manipulated data.


If you want to make arguments based on numbers, you should at least know the numbers…

At this point you guys have talked about this in several topics, but either way, it doesn’t matter if its one or several topics. Again, state your claims and your arguments about representation based on facts, not your personal observation within the game.

First off, as an example:

If you go outside, and within the time you are outside that day, you happen to observe two albino moose(a genetic mutation resulting in a lack of natural pigmentation; Albinism), and in that same time, you don’t see any moose at all with said natural pigmentation…

…would you then make claims that albino moose are more common than non-albinos?
There’s a reason you don’t rely on anecdotal evidence in cases like this.

As for your argument about ‘manipulated data’, just because you don’t agree with it, it doesn’t mean that it’s not valid.