Delusional SV hunters

You’re the one perpetuating it.

They come up in these threads literally all the time. If someone doesn’t know or isn’t informed, I link them.


Otherwise I will mention them in passing because, to be frank, this is all mostly common knowledge on the Hunter forum.

You’re desperate to set up an argument that says I’m avoiding confrontation and making claims without proof. That doesn’t work when I’ve literally posted proof. Not having posted it in the first post here doesn’t matter. I wasn’t talking to you in that post, I was talking to people who were aware of the real situation. When you made it clear that you were unaware/uninformed, I linked them. I shouldn’t have to because WCL parse counts are a well-known source of information everyone relies on, but I linked them anyway.'.

Repeating this is tiresome so I’m not going to address it any more. The data has been linked, it’s done and dusted. You were uninformed and wrong, to no one’s surprise. Repeatedly shouting “you need to prove your claims!!!” after proof has literally been posted has to be one of the most transparently desperate and pathetic arguments I’ve ever seen here, and it comes across as blatant projection to distract from the fact that you have no data to go on but rather just your own anecdotes.

Forget mythic raiding: you haven’t even done Normal. You’re literally talking about world questing at best, maybe some LFR. You’re talking about areas of the game you have minimal to no experience in.

This is not to shame anyone for not wanting to raid. But if you’re going to talk about SV’s representation in PvE and PvP, a) you’d better not base your argument on personal experience rather than data, and b) if you did do that… you’d better have some personal experience to begin with.

The screenshot was obviously WCL. It’s how their spec data tables on the default view have looked since the site was created ~8 years ago. The only way to not know it was WCL is if you had never seen WCL before. After all, why would you have seen it? You don’t raid.

Tone policing :sleeping:

I don’t insult and dismiss people just for disagreeing with me. I insult and dismiss people who have nothing to go on and try to speak with authority on things they know nothing about.

Lol? The point was that was supposedly your main class for a significant amount of time yet you seemingly did no content on it.

Achievements are account-bound, you know. So it’s notable that you have few PvE achievements and the ones you do have are mostly from way past when the content is current. You also have very few PvP achievements. Again I’m not going to fault anyone for playing casually, but it’s evident you do very little group content in this game so you’re not in a place to pretend your personal experience in terms of SV’s popularity amount to anything at all.

If you care about personal experience so much, here’s mine and you can check my armory to verify. I’ve done hundreds of M+ and epic battlegrounds. That’s accessible content even for casuals. Survival is the least-common spec I see by far. It’s regular to go into epic BGs and see 10-15 Hunters or more with just 0-1 SV Hunters.

Ironically the one place you do see SV more often is in arenas i.e. more hardcore content. I don’t speak from experience there but rather the data. It’s not an amazingly popular spec or anything but it’s at least on the radar in arenas. So it’s not like the spec is amazingly popular with casual players while hardcore players avoid it. If anything it’s the opposite; casual players are probably engaging with it less than hardcore players.

Projecting means accusing someone else of mistakes/flaws that actually apply to yourself. It’s a way of distracting and stalling. It can be conscious or subconscious. When you say I don’t bring proof of my claims to the discussion, you’re saying that because you don’t have proof for your own claims so instead of having to explain that you just project it to me instead as a distraction.

It doesn’t seem like you monitor updates well since your take is as surface-level as “Hunters must be good because they got a lot of blue posts a few months back”.

If you did you would know about the shortcomings of the changes and updates.

Pop quiz: can you name the useless stat that Blizzard at one point put as a talent node on our base class tree?

It’s not about playing more than one class. It’s about trying to give takes on Hunters while being extremely uninformed/disengaged about Hunters.

Nope: an ephemerally interested melee player who only occasionally dabbles in the Hunter class, like I said before you awkwardly broke this part up into different lines. Survival is designed as a melee player’s alt rather than a hunter player’s main. You can even see this with WoW influencers; those that have a lot of personal experience with Hunters like Bellular, Preach, and Izen Hart have been more critical of melee SV, while those that come mainly from melee mains with less experience with Hunters are more supportive of it like Asmongold and Marcelian.

There are dedicated Hunters that like the spec, for sure, but by and large it’s a spec for melee players to play around with on their Hunter alts rather than a third option for Hunters. Hazzikostas himself outlined it this way in that interview I linked earlier.

Yes Jinday is literally a fan of melee Survival. You can see this from his post history. He’s typically been very fanboyish about the spec and critical of ranged Survival.

He literally linked to M+ statistics. You seriously need to stop talking about things you know nothing about because you evidently just assumed it was about raiding based on the name of the website.