Deleted soulbind items

I have a problem. I was checking my bags, and suddenly I realize that the sparks and items to upgrade the crafted item were deleted. I have photos from before and after, and I’m very worried because I don’t know how to recover those items. It’s as if everything had been sold for scrap, and I didn’t notice. I want to recover them; it would be losing all the progress of the week and having to wait 2 weeks to be able to craft an item. I ask for help, please.

Try this*hr9t2g*_ga*OTg2NTgxNTU5LjE3MDYxNDgyNzE.*_ga_VYKNV7C0S3*MTcxNDE5MjE1MS4yOTkuMS4xNzE0MTkyMTYxLjUwLjAuMA

The issue is that it only recovers equipment items, not sparks or the items you buy with coins when doing mythics

Did u check ur reagent tab in ur bank.


Thaaaank youuuuuuu, I didn’t know that existed!

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You woudlnt be the first person.

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