(Deleted post) Leak new expansion? WoW Housing? 11.0

https://youtu.be/BcuXbKwyY8M :clown_face:


had to get in one more right before the event eh?


Player Housing or Classic+

Which one does the community want more?

I’d want housing. Classic doesn’t exist to me. I played it when it was called Vanilla. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.


Both would beneficial to Blizzard and the IP as a whole. I know a handful of friends who play other MMOs that would absolutely hop ship if Blizzard added player housing.

And Classic+ appeals to that large crowd of lemmings who follow streamers around. It’s easy money.

This actually looks real

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Ehh this is definitely fake.

The bard summoning a fire harp, or the housing just looking terrible.

Hopefully they never add player housing we need more people in the world not people locked away into their instance


A ton of new assets

I hope not. If so wow fired most of their video production team and hired a bunch of kids with no video production skills whatsoever.

I would have to agree. The editing alone just scream “novice”

We will find out in a few hours though.


ya but the alot of the assets look new…

Wish granted, but it’s turned into a terrible mini game with lackluster rewards.

Honestly, whether they announce player housing or not, I’m ready to be disappointed equally.


March of this year is not exactly a leak,it’s a dream.

Yep. This is my stance as well. Housing please. :stuck_out_tongue:

I haven’t gotten hyped in a long while with expansions. Probably the last one I felt anything about was Legion. I will hit the roof if this is real.

actually ya , probably fake the more I watch it lol


I have a hard time imagining my monosyllabic draenei neanderthal living in a cute cottage in Elwynn Forest.

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That said, it depends on how they do it. I don’t know how it’s done in other games besides FFXIV - and getting your own house is difficult (didn’t insert the pirate cuss word I’d normally use here). However just having a room in your guild house is fun, and it brings all other kinds of things into play, mainly metrics for the game, but also crafting and shear enjoyment of playing another form of dress-up. As long as you’re not alone in an instance it can be fun. Though honestly, I’m not really sure I want to see it in WoW.

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Just watched the vid in question. I’m not buying it. It just…looks fake. And the title…oh man, that was really bad.

I’ll give them a 3/10 for their efforts. That said, I will begrudgingly eat my own words if this turns out to be real.

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There’s a new cabin for alchemy in Elwynn forest I guess as a test they even moved the Murloc closer to Goldshire.

Still say it’s dream.