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How is what i said “mocking” anything?

This is true, I will still give you less respect than anyone that actually plays the game anyhow. Nothing wrong with flying in circles until they start trying to talk smack :kissing_heart:

It’s a more a laugh of pity my friend, I’m sorry you thought you were doing something.

As the phrase goes:

We’re not laughing with you, we’re laughing at you.


See that’s another great thing about the forums, i’m not here for your “respect”, i don’t care who you are. I’m just laughing at you trying so very hard to troll me again and again and again. It entertains me.

Nice walk back, it’s ok, i got a laugh from it and after all aren’t we both here for the laughs?

I’m ok with that, who are you?

No one of consequence.

Just wanted to explain how you can provide a laugh in a manner that doesn’t make you funny.


I suppose we’re both entertained at the very least. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not really but whatever makes you sleep better :+1:

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Yes, exactly.

Awww, you’re trying. Keep it up!

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General forums never fails to amuse me and make me laugh.

Not sure if it’s been answered but the best one would be WrA or Proudmoore.

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Wyrmrest accord is I think the best LGBT horde server from my experience.


Proudmoore used to have a fair amount of Horde on them but that was a long time ago, like Wotlk era, then a few of the main Horde guilds transferred off and it kind of died. I haven’t really found any LGBT friendly ‘realms’ per se that are primarily Horde, but some of the larger realms like Area 52 have a lot of guilds so you should be able to find a LGBT friendly guild if you have a look around.

You could even make one yourself but I don’t recommend it, being a GM and running a guild is a lot of work and responsibility especially if you’re going to be running raid groups.

I’m sorry, what? Did you just assume anybody who is straight in a guild, to all think like that? That’s pretty insulting don’t ya think? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Also, great job bringing in politics when we weren’t talking about politics… :man_facepalming:

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Probably because the comment is based and redpilled.

I know there is a handful of LGBTQIA+ friendly guilds on Mal’Ganis.
GL friend. :slight_smile:

Isn’t this the same Blizzard Entertainment that notoriously disbanded and banned LGBTQ guilds in the past?

No way they do anything but gently tap this issue from time to time with a 10 foot pole. In their minds hinting that D plot characters could possibly be ambiguously-possibly-gay in short stories is their idea of being sensitive.

That happened? And why?

Yeeeeeeaaaaaaah … this did for me right here, too! :roll_eyes: :thinking: :expressionless:

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I’d have to check the details, but I think what they actually did was sanction the account of a player who was advertising a guild as LGBT+ friendly, back around 2009, apparently under “inappropriate subject matter”, the rationale being that such an ad invited hostile responses that violated terms of use.

This was appealed, and publicized, and CS received new guidance in the matter. It’s history. But the upshot is that accepting guilds are free to advertise as such.

EDIT - It was 2006. Here’s the story that appeared on Ars Technica:
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I’m not sure why this matters. Enlighten me.

In all the years I’ve played WoW I have never once asked someone about their sexuality or pronouns. Doesn’t seem relevant when killing dragons.

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