The original nelf racial back in vanilla used to be straight up broken
heh it is true.
honestly can be proven easily by the nature of the dispels and even stuff like bubbles being purely defensive in nature.
they were built with direct purpose and there would be a whole lot of things to change that balance . 1 of which would be to fully remove bubble on paladins and replace it with wings only with no option for the defensive version (although people use it for offense too but thats besides the point).
there are cascading effects to nerfing or buffing with the base design being what it is.
anyone with half a mind on overall balance would be aware of these things before jerking around with it.
i would say not only make it instant but also give a 5 second immunity to slows and snares to mirror wotf.
Dwarf and gnome racial is actually very strong, just 90% of your faction is human paladin and so they don’t get used. Will of the forsaken breaks a fear now and again in pvp, is that really that crazy to you? Orc stun resist doesn’t happen as much as alliance players claim, I’ve played plenty of orcs and gotten stunned plenty. Nobody is popping blood fury in pvp and MS themselves.
Plus, BF doesnt help Ele.
I will preface this by saying I play a Dwarven Holy Paladin, and have gotten all the honor I need for this week to reach rank 12 and 70% by doing Arathi Basin (so I do a lot of PVP lol).
The Dwarven racial is very strong, primarily due to rogue poisons and the ability to remove their stun and remain immune to them. The Gnomish is weaker than you think, it breaks you from a singular movement impairing effect. If your in a frost trap you can remove that, but then still be slowed from the effect on the ground.
And now the Horde racials. Yes, will of the forsaken is that good, how often do you get feared in PVP? Warlocks, Priests, and Warriors can all fear you for 7+ seconds and it is useful for every class to have that racial. And on top of that it is an immunity similar to the dwarven racial.
I can also talk about the stun resist too on Orcs, it happens all the time. When I throw out my hand of justice, it is resisted often. As Horde you don’t notice it because there is no animation or anything telling you “Hey you just resisted a stun!”.
This is just what I have seen though so far. Maybe I am just unlucky though!
honestly like i said, gnome should be instant and provide an immunity for 5 seconds.
make it mirror wotf.
would fix it right up and be very powerful.
I have played both factions extensively now, and as a re-roll to alliance I can tell ya Orc is likely the worst possible choice in respect to PVP racials because it never works when you want it, and for sure it 100% can win you by accident some matchups but you never really know. I hear alliance in BG’s say “why bother” in respect to stunning orcs, but they’re stupid because they don’t and fail to realize that if you don’t try you cant possibly win. As for will of the forsaken its kinda amazing man, I gotta say I miss it a lot because having an on demand fear break on a short CD is really damn good.
Hoomy racial is stronger than you would expect, but most players are garbo and don’t use their racials effectively any way. Dwarf is really damn good for healers because you can basically just dunk on rogues; also very good for warrior / rogue for the same reason. Gnome is obviously good, and so is troll but LOL everyone thinks OMZG ORC RACIAL GOTTA PLAY THAT… Dummies are missing out on the best possible option and that’s Cow… Cow is BiS if you can play it for a lot of reasons… BiS melee because the melee range reach is massive, BiS because you got war stomp that will 100% win you battles, and I cant even begin to count the number of clowns I have seen kick my warstomp, only to watch me escape / heal or zug them in that stun… sure it short but its strong.
Takeaway is, the racials are all really good, but honestly players will cry about them all the time no matter what you do…
Its like all the paladin players you see crying in Era for buffs… when we dont need the kind of buffs they think we need.
The problem is purge delete 2 buffs. You cant counter that.
Dispel IS not even Close when fire shock spread to 5 targets. The horde iq is always very down.
dispel on both pally and priest (though pally is only defensive) gets 2 debuffs at the same time and gets a wide variety at that with the pally cleanse.
but you fail to mention that cause you discount defensive dispels as being any factor in fights to your own detriment.
Purge should be nerfed. Here is what a post nerf purge should look like.
Purge: removes all mana and spell effects from a target and reduces all healing done on that target by 150% for 10days. When cast on targets protected by divine protection causes 9999 damage and causes 1 day of resurrection sickness.
paladin cleanses 1 poison 1 magic 1 disease, not 2 magic buffs at once, so multiple applications of flame shock still requires several globals
ya but its all 3 at once though.
i was mistaken about the 2 at once then i guess.
If you’re giving Shamans a chance to waste a global on Purge and not killing him, I don’t know what to say. Shamans will die in one global to pallies.
Except you just kill the Shaman within a global, or bubble?
Ding, ding.
I would take stoneskin, shadowmeld 100% of the time if I could. Having an RNG racial is not that special once you actually play it.
Unless they buffed cleanse its only 1 debuff cleared.
Yeah its kinda bad, IMO Cow shaman is BiS, same with Cow Druid and Hunter… Tho I love my UD warrior… never gonna give that up, sure Will is a little redundant but omg the animations… I cant help myself.
sorry i got confused.
it does cleanse 1 poison 1 disease and 1 magic effect in 1 cast though.
i just got confused.
that complaint didnt take long.
Also worth pointing out that Cleanse is infinitely more helpful in PvE than Purge is, so it’s a little disingenuous to compare them in isolation of PvP utility only.