Look another Paladin, wishing they rerolled Shaman. Look, WotLK was the era for Paladins. Be happy you can global people in your HoJ now. You’re better than 2h Shamans and DW Shamans in PvP anyways.
Except pallies have dispel so alliance has a much easier time with dot classes. Also theres still no counter to bubble so pallies just get free kills and can spin flags for years with little to no effort.
That’s not the best argument. Shamans can dispel poison and have a poison cleansing totem. Would you agree they should only have one of these? Shamans have offensive dispel and they have grounding totem. They should only have one of these right? And a offensive dispel is objectively better in PvP than a defensive one. Besides priests, only shamans can dispel Free action potion, and other consumables. Paladins have no way of doing this. Purge absolutely needs a CD or nerf of some kind. It’s not even close.
simply put they were designed to mostly do the same roles (as healers with all the tier sets from original vanilla) and have to be able to dispel stuff.
you were to have a mix of healers all capable of dispelling different things.
notice shaman cant dispel magic debuffs (which is most of the important ones in the game).
we can argue offense vs defensive usefullness on dispels all day but the fact is , its been this way for a long long time and would take more than a bandaid fix here or there to address the gaping wound properly.
you think too small and small thinking in a world as complex as it is, is bad design.
The initial design in vanilla doesn’t matter bro. The reality is they are changing runes or removing them entirely, adding huge HP pool and dmg reduction to physical and magic. Even the devs know something is wrong, they just have no idea to fix it besides adding more HP to BGs or DMG reduction. The game was not balanced, is not balanced. You can do all the mental gymnastics you want to justify them having a un-nerfed purge, but if your argument is “the initial design had it for diversity of dispels”, then you need a new argument because that one sucks. Changes need to happen on base abilities. There is no good argument against this.
Let me do you a favor and prove you correct. Even if we got rid of pallies and shamans, horde racials are still much better. Orcs have stun resist and blood fury, undead have will of the forsaken, trolls have berzerking. While alliance on the other hand have humans with stealth detect (which is okay, but situational since you gotta know your around a stealthed opponent), dwarves have stoneskin (best racial for PVP on alliance), Night elves get shadowmeld (decent for stealthing near flags, but they never do that), and gnomes get escape artist which isn’t bad, depends on what class you are. It’s unbalanced in PVE and PVP, at least that is my opinion. Maybe I’m wrong though!
Honestly I don’t really want anything, was mainly just proving his point. If we talk balance though I think Alliance could use help with racials in PVE (but that is not what we are talking about).
For PVP on the other hand:
S-tier - Undead, Orc, Dwarf
A-tier - Gnome (the 0.5 second cast puts it here)
B-tier - Human, Troll, Tauren
C-tier - Night Elf
Only change I could even argue here is maybe the Gnomish racial being instant instead of a cast? But overall for PVP their not horribly off.