Hello, I’m Jjinks and I am looking for a guild I can raid HC/Mythic with. I’d like to consider myself a somewhat experienced raider but I haven’t been able to delve much into Mythic raiding as much as I’d like to. My progression and experience thus far has been Achieving 10/10 HC Castle Nathria as well as most recently Achieving 8/8 HC VOTI and 2/8 M, Other than raiding I love pushing M+.
I’m a fast learner and willing to improve ^^ My schedule is flexible, I can join your raids on any day, my available times would be in the evening around 9PM CST.
Logs and or UI setup can be shown upon request.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing from you, I can be reached in-game or my battletag Jjinks#1171
Good Morning Jjinks,
We have a feral and resto but always looking for more range dps
The High Card is recruiting and would love to speak with you
We are 9/9N and 1/9H just starting our AotC push this next week starting Tuesday 5/23
Our raid nights are Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 to 11:30 server CST
We hope to knockout AotC and get some Mythic boss kills
If this sounds like you please contact me on discord @Tehgigolo#1741 or join our discord link:
We also love M+ when not raiding
Lost Oasis is looking to add a boomkin to our main raid.
We are 9/9n and 7/9h. We got 2/8m last tier and will be pushing more into mythic prog this tier. We raid Tuesday and Thursday 8:30-11:30 pm.
I have added your btag in game, I will also leave mine here for you.
Btag - Staxx#11961
Discord - Staxx#9384
I would love to have a conversation with you around raiding and what your looking for out of a guild.