Delete Please

There are a million things that would make the world a lot better.

Maturity is coming to terms with the fact that none of them are ever going to happen. :slight_smile:


Is Chronormu really a “feminine male dragon that indulges that trait in his visage form” or could that be your own version of a “projection”? Might it be that Chronormu actually is a “brilliant and calculating” dragon with an entirely non-human perception of gender identity that simply chose a female - excuse me body type 2 - appearance for his visage form because - by Chronomu’s own words - this “suits” Chronormu … in among other things Chronormu’s interactions with the “lesser races” when furthering Chronormu’s personal and Flight related agendas?

… or with maybe being something else entirely?

The actual problem with Chromie is that we as players were introduced to that NPC in a way that we had to “assume the gender” based on the physical body we saw and how that entity interacted with us.

Later on we encountered the supposedly same NPC as part of a species that actually doesn’t have clear sex or gender definitions based on their appearance although the species would appear to conform to dimorphic reproduction mechanics along with certain naming conventions that refer to sex and/or gender.

Right there we were confronted with a name which implied a different gender for said dragon than we knew from the earlier encounters.

Within the game universe that could have been the end of things: Dragon with a supposedly male name that uses a female - excuse me again body type 2 - body for the dragon’s interactions with mere mortals.

But obviously that wasn’t enough. People couldn’t leave it at that. Our real world perceptions (and problems) had to be addressed/involved and thus we got that story that tried to explain things but ultimately left things just as vague as before when just considered on its own.

Last but not least the “writer in charge” stated on his personal twitter account that the NPC in question uses particular pronouns in either of the two known appearances now … which would be fine if that had been stated in a truly official capacity and was backed by the game itself completely. Now the “official” part is a general problem that Blizzard (and many other studios) faces because they chose the multi-platform / multi-media distribution model and I’m ready to somewhat ignore it. However, I’ll ask this: Are there any instances in the game where Chronormu is referred to with male pronouns either by Chronormu or anyone else? If so, our “writer in charge” has his work still cut out for himself … and even then the human concept of “trans” or “cis” [with whatever caveats one could add there] doesn’t really apply because of the non-human (and fictional) nature of the entity in question.

Yeah the original question was for the Transphobic diaper gnome was just pointing out that literally quoting Danuser’s words appears to have worked :dracthyr_crylaugh:


I, too, am non-human (and fictional).

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The character “Shreds” indeed is non-human and fictional. What about the person behind that character who IIRC states to be a member of LGBTQ+ in “real life” and at times seems to project this on his personal fiction for the character “Shreds”?

And how does this fallacious question of yours that merely expresses a triviality actually deal with my comment in general or the quote you made?

Minor details.

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personally you didnt have to read this story or interact with it at all… you made this choice… you shoved it down your own face…

you always do…

and im sorry you have no one who wants to hold your hand or give you a kiss in public… thats your sadness deal with it… bye

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The best part about that story for me was the Onyxia part. The others didn’t seem to convey their flight well.

The whole part about mortal races being relentless. Immortal races having to find acceptance in a world or seek domination. Very fundamental stuff there

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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I actually have not read the story. Chromie is trans as far as I know/care and it isn’t like it makes an actual difference to me either way. They have quests, I do quests. I move along with my life. What Chromie gets up to before and/or afterwards is no concern of mine. Same for Shaw and Anduin and Turalyon and anyone else.

Also you do not know who I have and/or what I do with them. I can assure you no partner of mine is going to be trying to give the public an object lesson is the Kama Sutra.

I do not like TRIPE “It’s a food delicacy apparently consisting of a cows stomach”. Does that mean I hate people that eat it? Nope. Do I avoid the places that serve it? Nope. There are OTHER ITEMS on the menu for me to enjoy. Does that make me Tripephobic?

You have found a dish that you like. CONGRATULATIONS! As a human being I am proud of you for liking something :slight_smile: I do not like the dish you eat. So please keep it off my plate :slight_smile:

Your reading comprehension skills are terrible. It’s truly astounding how many times people can link something and you still don’t understand


Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering or if you prefer video form wallah

Would go into more detail but it’s like 1:30 am and I’m too tired to talk about the philosophical significance of that quote when it comes to bigotry :dracthyr_comfy_green:

…Aussies just started this in 2014. I didn’t know Tripe originated there. Oh well. The more you know.

No. It further proves you are burying your head in the sand and looking foolish. When the lead writer in charge of all canon lore tells you the following

Afterwards, she/her in both mortal and dragon forms.

you listen and understand. You do not continue to act obtuse and ignorant towards what it said.

And if you wish for your story quote, the very end shows you how her pronouns have changed, as she spent all night celebrating, went to bed and woke up, all using “she.”

Which again goes back to what the lead writer in charge of canon lore WHO WROTE THE STORY said in response to the blatant question asking if she was trans.

Afterwards, she/her in both mortal and dragon forms.


Steve Danuser also was the guy who wrote the story so :dracthyr_shrug:

Like he’s literally just clearing something that confused people


I have updated for clarification. Thank you!

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anyone using the wrong pronouns is just trolling at this point


What I find interesting is that Chromie has always been she/her in this game since Vanilla, but now they (the people in this thread adamantly denying her preferred gender) purposely use pronouns she has never used in game.


Well I guess this situation isn’t literally “trans” in the way some may see it and I don’t think it will ever see it in this setting as we see it now or even in science fiction.

Unless of course the blood elves start researching more into their dark animus and the applications of flesh shaping.

My sweet summer child.

My autumn pumpkin blossom.

Steve Danauser wrote the “Visage Day” story.

Steve Danauser wrote the tweet that people keep quoting at you.

Steve Danauser, lead story developer for World of Warcraft at Blizzard Entertainment, is telling you, directly, that Chromie was originally a male dragon but after Visage Day identified as she/her in both her Visage and draconic forms.

You can decide to ignore any implications of that, but the fact is that Danauser is professionally paid to say what Chromie’s deal is, and he has said that Chromie identifies as female both when she’s bopping around as a Gnome and when she’s a dragon. End of story. There is no higher authority that can be appealed to than the person who literally created the story.