Delete Please

This is intended. You get credit for one boss a week, not per difficulty.


Same here. We’re supposed to visit Oribos to fix it, but it’s still not fixed for me.


Same here. Killed all 10 (across various difficulties) but still 9/30. Logged off, logged back in, went to Oribos after the hotfixes went live recently and nothing. Still 9/30.

The bugged one for me was Kael’thas. Can never trust an elf!

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Man, elves, can’t live with them
 can’t live without them doing something very bad in or around magic.

Shreikwing was bugged for me. Seems it’s not specifically one boss. Another person said it was Sire for them.

The first one I came across was Xy’mox and I thought it might be because he also appears in SotFO. So Blizzard might’ve mixed up his ID’s for fated raids but doesn’t seem to be it since others (including myself) had problems with other bosses.

This did not work for me and many people. Also tried to kill the boss(es) again and that also didn’t fix it.

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Just Finished 3 LFR Wings (7 bosses) only got credit for 5, went to oribos multiple time, and NOTHING!


Good to know, thanks!

Any updates?

Been restarting the game and logging in/out of Oribos multiple times and issue persists.

Same here, stuck at 9/30 and completed ALL of Nathria on LFR on Tuesday. Been to Oribos multiple times since completing the raids and the count is still haven’t gotten 10/30.

Update, went back through CN in normal and got credit for Sludgefist which bumped me to 10/30.

Same here, issue persists and have not gotten credit for bosses I killed, Sire Denathrus and Sludgefist for me are not giving credit.

Have you been to Oribos?
Just curious if their fix worked for you.

Yes, I relogged into Oribos, left Oribos, came back to Oribos and nothing. Still 8/30.

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Cleared 10/10 LFR today, still says 9/10. Have left and re-entered Oribios. Have re-logged in Oribos. Appears to still be an issue.

The one I didn’t get credit for was the first kill which was Council of Blood after joining an in progress instance.

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Relogged multiple times and ported in and out between Oribos and Org several times. Also tried going back to kill the boss that didn’t give credit. None of them fix the issue for me.

It’s one thing to know it’s a known issue, but it’s worrisome when Blizzard thinks they already fixed the bug when the issue persists and they’re not acknowledging it.


Whatever you did to “fix” people not getting credit has screwed me. I ran the whole place on LFR Tuesday, got my 10/30 credit. Today I login, the quest is missing from my quest log. I go into LFR again, it offers me the quest. I kill 2 bosses, but because I am raid locked on LFR, I get no credit toward the quest. So now I will be a week behind on the quest because of your “fix.” Thanks for nothing.

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Killed 6 bosses and only have 5/30. Went to oribos many times and back and nothing changes.

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I still have issue with my main
 i made full run in Castle Nathria and still get 8/30 instead of 10/30. i already went to Oribos restart the game and nothing
 i need help!!

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If you can I would suggest trying another difficulty to get your 10 for the week, in case they don’t fix it.